It wasn't until we started taling about touring (that our patents were like) and they didn't really understand what it was to on tour we didn't either. (I kept calling and calling) and the (he finally said,) Well do you know (anything about heavy metal?) and I said, (Yeah, of course, I do. I lied). (for no good reason) (she knows I'll never leave (I love her half to death) but she's killing me. (What's up,) I'm Justin. I'm Andrew. I'm Eric. and I'm Nick. and we're (a rocket to the moon) (and you're staching 'Beta records TV')
Hey, What's up? I'm Britt Burton. and you're wathing 'Beta Records TV' and today I'm here with the Maine who recently released (their debut album) 'can't stop won't stop' Guys, thank you so much stopping by. Thanks for having us. Gracias. Previously, you guys worked on an E.P. (and a lot of you were still in school,) Some of you even in high school.
None of us (realized) that they were gonna be doing (this job) full time exactly It was like of (asking to persuade all our families) to let us go outside school. It wasn't untill they started talking about promoting that our families were like,
what did the families expect of that?
They were really positive and optimistic. My mom thinks we were all like worried for us. We didn't actually realized what it was to go on the promotion. They didn't either. The group didn't know how to present it to people either. He borrows our drum player. Garrett's parent's (strict). and he bought a (trailer) and did he have other member helping them? Our manager was setting up pretty much entire thing. It was great. we'd be driving to shows. and have no idea if they were gonna be playing at all if they were gonna be sitting outside, couldn't enter into play accoustic in the parking lot
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