PBS News
That / This
doesn't seem / doesn't looks like
to be the case. / to be the story.
There's / That is
a lot of mentions / much more comments
of individual one, / of each person
who we know is Donald Trump, / who I think is very famous man.
and then / therefore
in Paul Manafort's and other filings / in a civilian and a official
that we have seen recently, / that we have heard yesterday,
there is / it is
huge redacted sections. [개정된] / tremendous obstacle.
President Trump / The chairman
plans / wants
to make his case / to manage his company
to the nation / to control by himself
for a border wall, / for worldwide marketplace,
as the effect of the shutdown ripple [파급효과] / as the resulf of his management
across the country. / around the world.
Then Mr. Trump / Therefore the chairman
refers to the situation / ordered his secretary
at the border / to make control employee
as a crisis, / as a company's policy
but is it?
We / The board members
break down / coopertate
what constitues / what he plan
a crisis / second revolution
and what powers / what he pursue
the president has / the development will accomplish
to address them. / to lead worldwid market.
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