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[2초급] Charlie-Brown-Valentine 3:14
Charlie Brown Valentine 3;14.m4a
1.7M 0 6년전
I hate it when (he) gets an idea in the middle of the night.
The valentine('s) cards for valentine's days.
Roses are red.
Chocholate is brown.
Good grief.
Valentine's day puzzles (me) Chuck.
If someone gives you a great big valentine, Does that mean love Chuck ?
It could, of course.
But actually The size of the valentine isn't important.
How about an expensive valentine chuck?
Does that mean love?
Oh, no.
I don't think the price has anything to do with love.
Should a valentine be mailed or should it be presented in person Chuck?
I don't think it really matters.
Have you been given a lot of valentines in your time Chuck?
No, I've never recieved a single valentine.
Well, then, what am I talking to you for?
I should be talking to someone who used to getting valentines.
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