Many areas
of the shallow sea bottom
____________are covered
with a lush growth
of aquatic flowering plants
to ________live submerged in seawater.
These plants
_________are collectively called seagrasses.
Seagrass beds __________are strongly influenced
by several physical factors.
The most significant ____________is water motion: currents and waves.
For any given seagrass systems exist
in both sheltered
and relatively open areas,
they _________________are subject to differing amounts
of water motion.
For any given seagrass system,
the water motion ____________is relatively constant.
Seagrass meadows
in relatively turbulent waters
(apt to be made of flat)_______________tend to ___________form flat,
extensive carpets.
The seagrass beds,
in turn,
wave action,
particularly if the blades ____________reach the water surface.
This damping effect ___________can be significant
to the point where just one meter
into a seagrass bed,
the wave motion ____________can be reduced to zero.
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