1. What does the old woman make in the kitchen? The old woman makesthe gingerbread man in the kitchen. 2. What happenswhen the old woman opensthe oven door?When the old woman openthe oven doorthe gingerbread man jumps outfrom the kitchen. 3. Who runsafter the gingerbread man?The old woman and the old man runsafter the gingerbread man. 4. How does the fox helpthe gingerbread man?The fox helpsthe gingerbread manby swimming putting himon his tail. 5. Where does the gingerbread man sitas the fox is swimming across the river?The gingerbread man sitson the fox's tailand his back and his nose. 6. What happensafter the fox swims across the river?The fox eatsthe gingerbread man.
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(어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6)
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