In its 23rd year 4 on TV, 4 "The Simpsons" 1 could be2 on the endangered species list. 4 The show's producer 1 said 2 Tuesday 4 the show 1 can't cantinue 2 under its current financial model, 4 following 5 a report 3 that big pay cuts 6 are being 2 sought 3 for the actors 4 who provide voices 6 for Homer, Marge and Bart Simpson 4 and other characters. 4 "We 1 believe 2 this brilliant series 3 can 2 and should contunue, 2 but we 1 cannot produce 2 future seasons 3 under its current financial model," 4 said 2 Chris Alexander, 3 spokesman 3 for 20th Century Fox Television. 4 He 1 said 2 producers 1 hope 2 a deal 3 can be reached. 2
In its 23rd year 4 on TV, 4 "The Simpsons" 1 could be2 on the endangered species list. 4 The show's producer 1 said 2 Tuesday 4 the show 1 can't cantinue 2 under its current financial model, 4 following 5 a report 3 that big pay cuts 6 are being sought => 6 for the actors 4 who provide voices 6 for Homer, Marge and Bart Simpson 4 and other characters. 4 "We 1 believe 2 this brilliant series 3 can 2 and should continue, 2 but we 1 cannot produce 2 future seasons 3 under its current financial model," 4 said 2 Chris Alexander, 3 spokesman 3 for 20th Century Fox Television. 4 He 1 said 2 producers hope 2 => 3 a deal can be reached. => 3
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