Pentagon: N. Korea 1 could launch 2 nuclear missile 3
A U.S. intelligence report 1 concludes 2 that North Korea has advanced 3 its nuclear knowhow 3 to the point 4 that it could arm 6 a ballistic missile 3 with a nuclear warhead, a jarring revelation 4 in the midst of bellicose threats 4 from the unpredictable communist regime. 4
President Barack Obama 1 urged 2 calm, 3 calling on Pyongyang 5 to end its saber-rattling 4 while sternly warning 4 that he would “take 3 all necessary steps” 3 to protect American citizens.4
The new American intelligence analysis, 1 disclosed Thursday 6 at a hearing in Congress, 4 says 2 the Pentagon's intelligence wing has 3 “moderate confidence” 3 that North Korea has 6 nuclear weapons 3 capable of delivery 3 by ballistic missiles 4 but that the weapon was unreliable. 6
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(어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6)
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