Popular Korean actor Yoo Seung-ho 1
was injured 2
in major car accident 4
Friday in Mungyeong,4
North Gyeongsang Province 4
while heading 4
to a filming set 4
for the television show 4
he stars in, 3
according 2
to reports. 3
The car 1
that carried Yoo 4
lost control 2
on a highway due 4
to heavy rainfall. 4
After the accident, 4
Yoo 1
was transferred 2
to a hospital 3
in Seoul 4
and was reportedly suffering 2
from frautures 4
around his eyes. 4
1.읽기: [끊어읽기-읽고쓰기] 내용을 의미어구에 따라 끊어서 쓰고 어구번호 붙이기 2.듣기: [끊어듣기-듣고말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 끊어서 따라 말하기
(어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6)
3.쓰기:[끊어쓰기-바꿔쓰기] 내용을 보면서 옆에 /표시하고 의미를 바꿔서 쓰기 4.말하기: [끊어말하기-바꿔말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 바꿔서 말하기