astound l was astounded at the sight. discern Discern good from bad. dispute l disputed with her about world peace. remark She becomes a theme of general remark everywhere. supplement We had to go to supplement class. debate He like to debate with people. humilicate They gave humilicate to him. contend She contended with the teacher. explode Finally my head exploded. narrate l like to narrate tales. administer l administer my homepage. haunt l don't like a haunted house.
. . . astound v . l was astounded at the sight. 124 . discern v . Discern good from bad. 23 . dispute v . l disputed with her about world peace. 123 . remark v . She becomes a theme of general remark everywhere. 123 . supplement v . We had to go to supplement class. 123 . debate v . He like to debate with people. 1234 . humilicate v . They gave humilicate to him. 124 . contend v . She contended with the teacher. 124 . explode v . Finally my head exploded. 42 . narrate v . l like to narrate tales. 123 . administer v . l administer my homepage. 123 . haunt v . l don't like a haunted house. 123 .
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