shop, store . 가게 Boram bought flowers at the flower shop. price, cost . 가격 What is the price of this large hat? furniture. 가구 We need new furniture. near . 가깝다. The park is quite near. poor . 가난하다. He was a poor artist.
possible . 가능하다. Is it possible for Ji-hun to help them? go . 가다. Where do you want to go? full . 가득하다. The basket is full of apples. sink . 가라앉다. The boat is sinking. go (run) across. 가로지르다. They ran across the playground.
teach . 가르치다. How do you play this game? I'll teach you. point . 가리키다. She pointed toward the house. mask. 가면 They were dancing a mask dance. bag. 가방 This bag is mine. light . 가볍다. This box is very light.
singer . 가수 He is a good singer. gas . 가스 Turn off the gas. chest, breast. 가슴 The letter M is on Ji-hun's chest. scissors . 가위 This pair of scissors doesn't cut well. fall, autumn. 가을 It is cool in the fall.
most . 가장 She is the most beautiful. home. 가정 There's nothing like home. take . 가져가다. Take a jacket. It's chilly outside. bring . 가져오다. Bring me some water, please. family. 가족 I have a large family.
leather. 가죽 My bag and shoes are made of leather. branch . 가지 A bird is sitting on the branch. have . 가지다. I have some money. each . 각각 Each has his own room. simple . 간단하다. It is a simple work.
snack . 간식 What's for snack? tickle. 간질이다. It tickles me. Stop tickling. signboard, sign .간판 Look at that signboard. nurse . 간호사 The nurse is taking Tony's temperature. brown . 갈색 My favorite color is brown.
change . 갈아입다. She changes her clothes before dinner. persimmon. 감 These persimmons are sweet. sense . 감각 I lost my sense of direction. cold. 감기 I have a cold. thank . 감사하다. Thank you very much.
prison . 감옥 He is in prison now. potato . 감자 Bo-ram digs up potatoes. feeling . 감정 I controlled my feelings. hide . 감추다. Tony hide his diary under the bed. suddenly . 갑자기 Suddenly, there was a loud noise.
cheap. 값이 싸다. The toy is cheap. river . 강 They swim in the river. hall . 강당 There are many students in the hall. strong . 강하다. Tony is strong. same, equal. 같다. I have the same dress.
1.읽기: [끊어읽기-읽고쓰기] 내용을 의미어구에 따라 끊어서 쓰고 어구번호 붙이기 2.듣기: [끊어듣기-듣고말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 끊어서 따라 말하기
(어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6)
3.쓰기:[끊어쓰기-바꿔쓰기] 내용을 보면서 옆에 /표시하고 의미를 바꿔서 쓰기 4.말하기: [끊어말하기-바꿔말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 바꿔서 말하기