appeal He appealed to public opinion. publish That company published this book. interpret l can interpret for foreign visitors. entitle You will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65. disregard Don't disregard me. ascribe He ascribes his failure to fate. protect My parents protect me. accommodate The famous hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. assist The nurse assists the doctor. support Our family support them. attempt Don't attempt the way. partake You can partake in a festival.
. . . appeal v . He appealed to public opinion. 123 . publish v . That company published this book. 123 . interpret v . l can interpret for foreign visitors. 124 . entitle v . You will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65. 12362 . disregard v . Don't disregard me. 23 . ascribe v . He ascribes his failure to fate. 123 . protect v . My parents protect me. 123 . accommodate v . The famous hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. 123 . assist v e nurse assists the doctor. 123 . support v . Our family support them. 12 . attempt v . Don't attempt the way.23 . partake v . You can partake in a festival. 124 .
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