Shortly after my marriage, l bought a medical practice in London. For three months after taking it over l was very busy, so l seldom saw my Friend Sherlock Holmes. l was surprised one morning in June when he came to visit. "Ah, my dear Watson," said Holmes, "l am delighted to see you! l hop Mrs.Watson is well." "Thank you, Holmes, we are both very well," l said. "And l hope that your busy medical practice has not stopped your interest in my criminal research."
"Not at all," l answered, "Only last night l was checking my old notes. l'm looking forward to working on more cases with you." "Can you come to Birmingham today?" said Holmes. Yes, l can" l replied. "But what about your practice?" "l'll ask my neighbor to take care of it," l said. "My client is waiting outside in a cab." said Holmes. "l'll tell you about the case on the train."
l scribbled a note to my neighbor, rushed upstairs to tell my wife, and joined Holmes outside. "Allow me to introduce you to my client, Watson," said Holmes. "This is Mr.Hall Pycroft. Now, we must hurry to catch the train." Hall Pycroft was a young, well-built young man with a bright and honest face. He was smartly dressed in a neat black suit and shiny top hat. "Mr.Pycroft," said Holmes after we had boarded to train, "Please tell my friend about the interesting experience
that brought you to see me." Our young companion looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. "l'll look like a fool, Dr.Watson," he said, "because l'm not very good at telling stories. But let me begin." Then he started the story: l had worked at Coxon&Woodhouse Stockbrokers for five years. Their business recently collapsed when a large and important loan they had made was not repaid. They gave me an excellent reference, but there were another twenty-six of their clerks also looking for new employment.
l tried and tried to find work but life became very difficult. l had managed to save some money while working at Coxon's but that didn't last very long. At last l saw a vacancy at Mawson&Williams's the great stockbroking firm in Lombard street. l wrote a letter and sent it with my reference. A reply came back almost immediately. lt asked me to report to their office on Monday morning ready to start work.
The pay was four pounds a week, and the duties were almost the same as at Coxon's lt was the evening after l had been promised the job, when my landlady came to me with a business card. Arthur Pinner, Financial Agent" was printed on it. l had never heard of him but l asked her to show him in. He was a dark-haired, dark-eyed, black-bearded man, with a shiny nose. He was very businesslike and spoke sharply, like a man in a hurry.
"Mr.Hall Pycroft, l believe?" he said. "Yes, air," l answered, indicating a chair for him to sit in. "Once an employee of Coxon's and now on the staff of Mawson's?" he asked. "That's right," l said. "Well, l've heard some extaordinary stories about your ability." Of course, l was pleased to hear this. And then he asked me if l had a good memory.
"Pretty fair," l answered. "Have you kept in touch with the market while you've been out of work?" he asked "Yes," l replied. "l read the stock exchange list every morning." "Wonderful! My boy, You are much too good to be a clerk at Mawson's!" This outburst rather astonished me, Dr.Watson. So l told him it had been difficult to find the job at Mawson's. "When do you start working there?" he asked.
"On Monday,"l said. "Ha, ha!" l think you'll change your mind when you hear my offer." "You don't want me to go to Mawson's?" 4 l said. 12 in suprise. 4 "No, sir," 21 said Pinner. 12 "By Monday 4 you could be the business manager 123 of the Franco Midland Hardware Company, 4 Limited. 2 lt has a hundred 12 and thirty-six branches 3 throughout France, 4 Belgium 2 and America." 2 This satement 6 took my breath away. 23 So l told him 42 l'd never heard of the company. 123 "lt's been quiet," 12 said Pinner, 23
lt's a private company 12 and too good 3 to go public. 3 My brother, 1 Harry Pinner, 1 is the promoter 23 and managing diretor. 3 He knew 12 l was busy 12 and asked me 23 to find a good, 3 energetic young man 3 to help me. 3 But we can only offer you 62 five hundred 3 to start with." 3 "Five hundred pounds a year!" 14 l shouted. 12 "That's just a starting salary. 62 You'll also earn 12 one percent 3 commission 4 on all business 24 done by your agents!" 24 My head buzzed 12 and l was so excited 12 that l couldn't 62 sit still. 2
But then l felt 62 a moment of doubt. 3 "l must be frank 123 with you," 4 l said. 12 "Mawson is offering 12 only two hundred, 3 but they are well-known 62 and secure. 3 l know nothing 12 about your company 3 so l am a little wary 612 of such a good offer!" 3 "Ah, Well done!" 12 he cried. 12 "You're the very man 123 for us. 4 Now, 4 here is a hundred pounds. 123 lf you want the job, 12 put it 2 in your pocket 4 as an advance 4 on your salary." 4 "That's very generous, 62 sir," 2 l said. 12
"When do you want me 623 to start?" 3 "Be 2 in Birmingham tomorrow 4 at one o'clock," 4 he said.12 "l have a note 12 you can take 12 to my brother. 4 You will find him 123 at 126B Corporation Street. 4 l'm sure 12 he will confirm 12 your engagement." 3 "Really, 4 l hardly know 12 how to thank you, 62 Mr.Pinner, 1 l said. 12 "Not at all, 4 my boy. 1 Now, 2 please write 2 on the paper,4 l am perfectly willing 12 to act 3 as business manager 4
to the Franco-Midland Hardware Company,4 Limited, 2 at a minimum salary 4 of 500 pounds. 4 There is one other detail," 62 he said. 12 "What do you intend 62 to do 3 about Mawson's? 4 l'll write 12 and resign 2 immediately," 4 l said. 12 "Please don't do that. 62 Mawson's manager 3 became very angry 2 when l asked 612 about you. 3 So l told him 12 that if he wanted 3 good men 2 he should 12 pay them 3 a decent salary. 3 He was very rude 12 and said 2 that he'd picked you up 4
out of the gutter. 4 He said 12 you were so grateful 12 that you wouldn't leave them." 3 "The impudent scoundrel!" 12 l cried. 12 l've never even 12 met him. 3 l won't write 12 if you think 12 l shouldn't!" 12 "Good!" 2 he said, 12 rising 2 from his chair. 4 "Here's the hundred pounds, 12 and here is the letter 3 for my brother. 4 Remember 2 you have an appointment tomorrow 123 in Birmingham 4 at one o'clock." 4 "You can imagine, 12 Dr.Watson, 1 how pleased 62 l was 12 at such good fortune. 4
The following morning l traveled to Birmingham in plenty of time for my appointment. lt was a quarter to one when l found 126B Corporation Street. Although there were several business names displayed on the outside on the building, the Fransco-Midland Company was not one of them. l good for a few minutes wondering whether the whole thing was an elaborate hoax. Then a man came and spoke to me. He was very like Arthur Pinner, but was clean-shaven with lighter-colored hair
"Are you Mr.Hall Pycroft?" he asked. "Yes," l said. "Oh, good!" he said. "l was expecting you, but you're a little early. My brother, Arthur, sent me a note saying how well suited you are for the "job." "l was just looking for your offices," l said. "We don't have our name up set because these are temporary premises. come with me, and we will talk the matter over." l followed him up several flights of stairs.
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