Jesus leftthereand wentto his hometown,accompaniedby his disciples.
When the Sabbath came,he beganto teachin the synagogue,and manywho heard himwere amazed.
"Where did this man getthese things?"
they asked.
"What's this wisdomthat has been given him,that he even does miracles!
Isn't this the carpenter?
Isn't this Mary's sonand the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon?
Aren't his sistersherewith us?"
And they tookoffenseat him.
Jesus saidto them,
"Only in his hometown,among his relativesand in his own houseis a prophetwithout honor."
He could not doany miraclesthere,except layhis handson a few sick peopleand healthem.
And he was amazedat their lack of faith.
Then Jesus went aroundteachingfrom village to village.
Calling the Twelveto him,he sentthem outtwo by twoand gavethemauthorityover evil spirits.
These were his instructions:
"Take nothingfor the journeyexcept a staff--no bread, no bag, no moneyin your belts.
Wearsandalsbut not an extra tunic.
Whenever you entera house,staythereuntil you leavethat town.
And if any place will not welcomeyouor listento you,shakethe dustoff your feetwhen you leave,as a testimonyagainst them."
They went out and preachedthat people should repent.
They drove outmany demonsand anointedmany sick peoplewith oiland healedthem.
King Herod heardabout this,for Jesus' name had become well known.
Some were saying,
"John the Baptist has been raised from the dead,and that iswhy miraculous powers areat workin him."
Others said,
"He is Elijah."
And still others claimed,
"He is a prophet,like one of the prophets of long ago."
But when Herod heardthis,he said,
"John,the manI beheaded,has been raised from the dead!"
For Herod himself had givenordersto have John arrested,and he hadhim boundand putin prison.
He didthisbecause of Herodias,his brother Philip's wife,whom he had married.
For John had been sayingto Herod,
"It is not lawfulfor youto haveyour brother's wife."
So Herodias nurseda grudgeagainst Johnand wantedto kill him.
But she was not able to, because Herod fearedJohnand protectedhim,knowing himto be a righteous and holy man.
When Herod heardJohn,he was greatly puzzled;
yet he likedto listento him.
Finally the opportune time came.
On his birthdayHerod gavea banquetfor his high officialsand military commandersand the leading men of Galilee.
When the daughter of Herodiascame in and danced,she pleasedHerod and his dinner guests.
The king saidto the girl,
"Askmefor anything you want,and I'll giveitto you."
And he promisedherwith an oath,
"Whatever you askI will giveyou,up to half my kingdom."
She went out and saidto her mother,
"What shall I ask for?"
"The head of John the Baptist,"
she answered.
At oncethe girl hurried into the kingwith the request:
"I wantyou
to givemeright nowthe head of John the Baptiston a platter."
The king was greatly distressed,but because of his oaths and his dinner guests,he did not wantto refuse her.
So he immediately sentan executionerwith ordersto bring John's head.
The man went,beheaded Johnin the prison, and brought backhis headon a platter.
He presenteditto the girl,and she gaveitto her mother.
On hearing of this,John's disciples came and tookhis bodyand laiditin a tomb.
The apostles gatheredaround Jesusand reportedto himall they had done and taught.
Then,because so many people were coming and goingthat they did not even havea chance to eat,he saidto them,
"Comewith meby yourselvesto a quiet placeand getsome rest."
So they went awayby themselvesin a boatto a solitary place.
But manywho saw them leavingrecognizedthemand ranon footfrom all the townsand gotthereahead of them.
When Jesus landed and sawa large crowd,he hadcompassionon them,because they werelike sheepwithout a shepherd.
So he beganteaching themmany things.
By this timeit was latein the day,so his disciples cameto him.
"This is a remote place,"
they said,
"and it's already very late.
Sendthe people awayso they can goto the surrounding countryside and villagesand buythemselvessomething to eat."
But he answered,
"You givethemsomething to eat."
They saidto him,
"That would takeeight months of a man's wages!
Are weto go and spendthat much on breadand giveitto themto eat?"
"How many loaves do you have?"
he asked.
"Go and see."
When they found out,they said,
"Five--and two fish."
Then Jesus directedthemto have all the people sit downin groupson the green grass.
So they sat downin groups of hundreds and fifties.
Taking the five loaves and the two fishand looking upto heaven,he gavethanksand brokethe loaves.
Then he gavethemto his disciplesto setbefore the people.
He also dividedthe two fishamong them all.
They all ate and were satisfied,and the disciples picked uptwelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish.
The number of the menwho had eatenwas five thousand.
Immediately Jesus madehis disciples getinto the boatand goon ahead of himto Bethsaida,while he dismissedthe crowd.
After leaving them,he went upon a mountainsideto pray.
When evening came,the boat wasin the middle of the lake,and he wasaloneon land.
He sawthe disciplesstraining at the oars,because the wind wasagainst them.
About the fourth watch of the nighthe went outto them,walking on the lake.
He was about
to passby them, but when they sawhimwalking on the lake,they thoughthe was a ghost.
They cried out, because they all sawhimand were terrified.
Immediately he spoketo themand said,
It is I.
Don't be afraid."
Then he climbedinto the boatwith them,and the wind died down.
They were completely amazed, for they had not understoodabout the loaves;
their hearts were hardened.
When they had crossed over,they landedat Gennesaretand anchoredthere.
As soon as they gotout of the boat,people recognizedJesus.
They ran throughoutthat whole regionand carriedthe sick on matsto wherever they heard he was.
And wherever he went--into villages, towns or countryside--they placedthe sickin the marketplaces.
They beggedhimto let them toucheven the edge of his cloak,and allwho touched himwere healed.
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