We called it fibrocytis for inflammation and used the anti-inflammatories they did nothing.
Then as time used muscle relaxants and they helped relax the muscles, but they didn't do anything for the chemicals in the brain.
And then we started using Neurontin, as seizure medicine wich works pretty well, and then the first approved medicine came out, something called Lycica, Which is an anti-seivure medicine, but it also helps pain perception.
And then we have two others.
Cymbolta is one that was initially approved for depression.
And then a brand new one, Savella, which is the first medicine on the market only for fibromyalgia not for depression and not for seizures.
Is it more the central brain perceives... perceives the pain in a different way?
Or is it really the nerve endings?
In other words, if you do a block, will you have less pain or...?
No, it's really coming from imbalance of chemicals in the brain.
We know of at least three chemicals and probably more, serotonin, norepinephrine and substance p, and these are pain modulators.
If people don't have enough of norepinephrine and serotonin, these are chemicals that help people feel less pain, and they don't have enough of this in fibromyalgia. (섬유조직염) and substance P that stands for pain, these patients have too much of it.
So When you get that, so if you put some people on like for arthritis, (관절염) you'll treat those people with that?
A anti-inflammatory, a pain medicine.(infla~, 염증성의)
and that does not useful for that?
This medicine does not useful at all.
We have to make treatment with medicine that could affect the pain chemicals in the brain.
The trouble when you do that method is that some of those medicines cause sedation, (진정작용) and others cause agitation, [동요] the people to be excessive.
So, it 's very individual from patients.
Now I figured out there's new medicines out for this symtom?
Or, just released medicines in the past few years What are they and how do they work?
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