3 paragraph
Since most seagrass systems are depositional environments,
they eventually accumulate
organic material
that leads to the creation
of fine-grained sediments
with a much higher organic content
than that of the surrounding unvegetated areas.
This accumulation, in turn, reduces
the water movement and the oxygen supply.
The high rate of metabolism
(the processing of energy for survival)
of the microorganisms
in the sediment
causes sediments
to be anaerobic
(without oxygen)
below the first few millimeters.
According to ecologist J.W. Kenworthy,
anaerobic processes
are an important mechanism
for regenerating
and recycling nutrients and carbon,
ensuring the high rates of productivity
---that is, the amount of organic material produced---
that are measured
in those beds.
In contrast
to other productivity in the ocean,
which is confined to various species of algae
and bacteria dependent on nutrient concentrations
in the water column,
seagrasses are rooted plants
that absorb nutrients
from the sediment or substrate.
They are, therefore,
capable of recycling nutrients
into the ecosystem
that would otherwise be trapped
in the bottom
and rendered unavailable.
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