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[4고급] A Study on the Legitimacy and Significance of Habit Formation Education in Early Childhood Based on Reformed Theological Anthropology  

A Study on the Legitimacy and Meaning of Early Childhood Habit Formation Education Based on Reformed Anthropology

The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning of habit formation education in early childhood, the youngest period of life, and to explore the possibility of applying habit formation education based on reformed Christian early childhood education. To this end, the writer analyzed how habits have been recognized and discussed since ancient times, focusing on Plato, Aristotle, Locke, and Dewey. The writer examined reformed anthropology to establish the basis for habit formation education in early childhood.
When examining the legitimacy and meaning of habit formation education in early childhood based on reformed anthropology, first, in the Bible, habits are connected not only to actions but also to character and virtue. Second, the Bible suggests habit formation should be done from early childhood, the beginning of life. Third, the Bible presents the nature of the human mind and emphasizes recovery from an evil mind to a good mind. At this time, daily habits can become an educational reality. In conclusion, the writer can see that habit formation education carried out in early childhood, which lays the foundation for life, ultimately follows the process of sanctification through the repetition of desirable behaviors.

Keywords: Reformed, anthropology, infants, habits, habit formation

A Study on the Legitimacy and Significance of Habit Formation Education in Early Childhood Based on Reformed Theological Anthropology
The purpose of this study is to explore the applicability of habit formation education grounded in Reformed theology to Christian early childhood education by reconsidering the significance of habit formation education during early childhood, the foundational stage of life. The study analyzed how habits have been perceived and discussed since ancient times, focusing on Plato, Aristotle, Locke, and Dewey. It also examined anthropological perspectives based on Reformed theology to establish a rationale for habit formation education in early childhood.
The legitimacy and significance of habit formation education in early childhood, from anthropological views based on Reformed theology, are as follows: First, in the Bible, habits are connected not only to actions but also to character and virtue. Second, the Bible suggests that habit formation should begin early in life, from infancy. Third, the Bible presents the nature of the human heart and emphasizes the restoration from evil to good; daily habits can serve as educational practices. In conclusion, habit formation education in early childhood, which lays the foundation for life, aligns with the process of sanctification through the repetition of desirable behaviors.
Keywords: Reformed theology, anthropology, infants, habits, habit formation




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(어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6)

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