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  스크린샷 2023-08-07 오전 9.18.12.jpg

  [화상통화 일정표]

[3중급반] The student has a good organization of thoughts and expresses ideas clearly.

Teacher Hail

The student has a good organization of thoughts and expresses ideas clearly.
He was able to elaborate on his opinions and give sentiments regarding the given topic.
He spoke very well and very clear in English and also able to give supplementary thoughts
and keep on speaking English as often as possible to be more fluent and to further enhance his skills.


Incorrect : Because our apartment have a lot of people.
Correct : Because our apartment has a lot of people.

Incorrect : My neighbor go to hospital.
Correct : My neighbor go to the hospital.

Incorrect : Sea weed is very sliding.
Correct : sleek. slippery/slimy.


Incorrect : Parry
Correct : Party - [ pahr-tee ]

Incorrect : Prebention
Correct : Prevention - [ pri-ven-shuhn ]

Incorrect : Alowd
Correct : Allowed - [ uh-loud ]

Incorrect : Bccine
Correct : Vaccine - [ vak-seen ]

Incorrect : Usuarry
Correct : Usually - [ yoo-zhoo-uh-lee ]

Incorrect : Famiry
Correct : Family - [ fam-lee ]

Incorrect : Traditionar
Correct : Traditional - [ truh-dish-uh-nl ]

보내는 사람: Hail
제목: Hi pastor! You paid enough atten ...
Dec 10, 2020, 5:31:51 AM
Hi pastor! You paid enough attention during our discussion and answered appropriately regarding the questions. You also mispronounced the words with the L & R and B & V sounds during the class. You need to practice stressing the difference between the two sounds. I know it'll be easy for you cos you are a quick learner. GRAMMAR: Incorrect : There's no carol sound. Correct : There is no Christmas carols. PRONUNCIATION: Incorrect : Stop ped Correct : Stopped - [ stɒpt ] Incorrect : Reration Correct : Relation - [ ri-ley-shuhn ] Incorrect : Famiry Correct : Family - [ fam-lee ] Incorrect : Hab Correct : Have - [ hav ] Incorrect : Aleady Correct : Already - [ awl-red-ee ] Incorrect : Especiarry Correct : Especially - [ ih-spesh-uh-lee ]
수업 시간표
보내는 사람: Hail
제목: Hi Pastor! You were able to form ...
Dec 9, 2020, 5:20:41 AM
Hi Pastor! You were able to formulate your own sentences but you still have grammar lapses to work with. You easily understands and answers complex questions too. You were able to pronounce some words correctly as well. Though you committed errors but they did not hamper the delivery of the message.Keep on performing well. GRAMMAR: Incorrect : That loan provide by government. Correct : That loan provide by the government. Incorrect : So I went to bank. Correct : So I went to the bank. Incorrect : That is not very ordinary provide. Correct : This is not very common to provide. Incorrect : This is second time loan. Correct : This is the second time we can loan. Incorrect : Singing room. Correct : KTV rooms. Incorrect : That's very thanks very thanksful! Correct : I was very thankful! PRONUNCIATION: Incorrect : Decison Correct : Decision - [ dih-sizh-uhn ] Incorrect : Roan Correct : Loan - [ lohn ] Incorrect : Poricy Correct : Policy - [ pol-uh-see ] Incorrect : Row Correct : Low - [ loh ] Incorrect : Alleady Correct : Already - [ awl-red-ee ] Incorrect : Rimit Correct : Limit - [ lim-it ] Incorrect : Budset Correct : Budget - [ buhj-it ] Incorrect : A rot Correct : A lot - [ uh-lot ]
수업 시간표
보내는 사람: Hail
제목: Pastor has a good organization o ...
Dec 8, 2020, 4:19:00 AM
Pastor has a good organization of thoughts and expresses ideas clearly. He was able to elaborate his opinions and gives sentiments regarding the given topic. He spoke very well and very clear in English and also able to give supplementary thoughts and keep on speaking English as often as possible to be more fluent and to further enhance his skills. GRAMMAR: Incorrect : In the news number can will be one thousand. Correct : It says on the news that the number of cases will increase by a thousand. Incorrect : In their home they will safe. Correct : They're safe at their home. PRONUNCIATION: Incorrect : Rast Correct : Last - [ last ] Incorrect : Rerativery Correct : Relatively - [ rel-uh-tiv-lee ] Incorrect :Runch Correct : Lunch - [ luhnch ]
수업 시간표
보내는 사람: Hail
제목: Hi pastor! Thank you for always ...
Dec 3, 2020, 3:06:33 AM
Hi pastor! Thank you for always sharing me your daily life and your daily activities. I always appreciate you the way you participate in our class. Your eagerness to improve your English communication skill brings you to the top of your expectations! ^^ GRAMMAR: Incorrect : We went to pm one. Correct : We went there around one in the afternoon. Incorrect : After we finish the registration processing. Correct : After we finish the registration process. PRONUNCIATION: Incorrect : Ruckiry Correct : Luckily - [ luhk-uh-lee ] Incorrect : Rive Correct : Live - [ liv ] Incorrect : Actuarry Correct : Actually - [ ak-choo-uh-lee ] Incorrect : Famiry Correct : Family - [ fam-lee ]
수업 시간표
보내는 사람: Hail
제목: Pastor David makes logical answe ...
Dec 2, 2020, 6:39:05 AM
Pastor David makes logical answers to questions he expresses himself more efficiently and effectively defends his stands on certain issues. he also speaks with depth and insight. GRAMMAR: Incorrect : Incharge of person is only me. Correct : I'm the only person incharge to handle the things in church and counseling centers. PRONUNCIATION: Incorrect : Manage jed Correct : Manage - [ man-ij ] Incorrect : Hab Correct : Have - [ hav ] Incorrect : Rack Correct : Lack - [ lak ] Incorrect : Eventuarry Correct : Eventually - [ ih-ven-choo-uh-lee ] Incorrect : Rike Correct : Like - [ lhayk ] Incorrect : Usuarry Correct : Usually - [ yoo-zhoo-uh-lee ] Incorrect : Carcurating Correct : Calculating - [ kal-kyuh-ley-ting ] Incorrect : Especiarry Correct : Especially - [ ih-spesh-uh-lee ] Incorrect : Preased Correct : Pleased - [ pleez d ]
수업 시간표
보내는 사람: Hail
제목: The has a good organization of t ...
Dec 1, 2020, 4:07:37 AM
The has a good organization of thoughts and expresses ideas clearly. He was able to elaborate his opinions and gives sentiments regarding the given topic. He spoke very well and very clear in English and also able to give supplementary thoughts and keep on speaking English as often as possible to be more fluent and to further enhance his skills. GRAMMAR: Incorrect : As I calculating that album.. Correct : As I calculate the albums.. PRONUNCIATION: Incorrect : Mobing Correct : Moving - [ moo-ving ] Incorrect : Rong Correct : Long - [ long ] Incorrect : Digitarl Correct : Digital - [ dij-i-tl ] Incorrect : Manage jed Correct : Managed - [ man-ij t ] Incorrect : Payper Correct : Paper - [ pey-per ] Incorrect : Ref Correct : Left - [ left ] Incorrect : Carcurate Correct : Calculate - [ kal-kyuh-leyt ]
수업 시간표
보내는 사람: Hail
제목: Hi pastor! Your answers to my qu ...
Nov 29, 2020, 6:15:35 AM
Hi pastor! Your answers to my questions and your explanations are mostly correct. You are also familiar with some Western expressions, so you can deliver messages clearly like a native speaker. Your listening skills are excellent! Just keep need a little practice with your pronunciation skills for that you answer will be more accurate and understandable. GRAMMAR: Incorrect : My mom house has very time limit for. Correct : My mom's house has has time limit for.. Incorrect : I'm thanksful that.. Correct : I'm thankful that.. Incorrect : There are many engineers and design house. Correct : There are many engineers and architects. Incorrect : So I promosed we give provide new comers renolium. Correct : Incorrect : I was content and satisfied new things. Correct : I was contented and satisfied with the new things. Incorrect : The deposit can will be increase. Correct : The deposit will increase. Incorrect : I'm very thanksful to you. Correct : I'm very thankful for your. PRONUNCIATION: Incorrect : Finish shed Correct : Finish - [ fin-ish ] Incorrect : Mobing Correct : Moving - [ moo-ving ] Incorrect : Successfurry Correct : Successfully - [ suhk-ses-fuh-lee ] Incorrect : Gretful Correct : Grateful - [ greyt-fuhl ] Incorrect : Finarry Correct : Finally - [ fahyn-l-ee ] Incorrect : Actuarry Correct : Actually - [ ak-choo-uh-lee ] Incorrect : Contruction Correct : Construction - [ kuhn-struhk-shuhn ] Incorrect : Change jed Correct : Change - [ cheynj ] Incorrect : Derightfur Correct : Delightful - [ dih-lahyt-fuhl ] Incorrect : Ribing Correct : Living - [ liv-ing ] Incorrect : Rike Correct : Like - [ layhk ]
수업 시간표
보내는 사람: Hail
제목: The student was more focused on ...
Nov 26, 2020, 3:07:53 AM
The student was more focused on the conversation that made the class flow smooth he also participated well during the class. His confidence in expressing himself made the class lively and he was able to create good phrases while speaking. GRAMMAR: Incorrect : But as times going on.. Correct : But as time goes by.. PRONUNCIATION: Incorrect : Finish shed Correct : Finished - [ fin-isht ] Incorrect : Actuarry Correct : Actually - [ ak-choo-uh-lee ]
수업 시간표
보내는 사람: Hail
제목: Good evening pastor! You shared ...
Nov 25, 2020, 2:45:30 AM
Good evening pastor! You shared your thoughts and ideas properly with confidence tonight. You manage to keep the conversation meaningful by giving your point of views regardless of your errors in explaining your opinion too. You maintained your grade-level expectations as well. GRAMMAR: Incorrect : I found the house is water leaking. Correct : I found out that the house has water leakage. Incorrect : I just decision. Correct : I just decide. Incorrect : I'm very thanks to you for your corrections and for listening to me! Correct : I'm feel so grateful for your corrections and for listening to me!
수업 시간표
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