
[2초급] 초등단어 3

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word 3.

whale. 고래.
I have ever seen
a whale.

choose, select. 고르다.
Which one
would you choose?

thank. 고맙다.
Thank you.
You're welcome.

rubber. 고무.
Tires are made of rubber.

trouble. 고민.
What is the trouble
with you?

cat. 고양이.
Cats go meow, meow.

calm. 고요하다.
The sea is calm

out of order. 고장나다.
The radio
is out of order.

red pepper. 고추.
This red pepper
is very hot.

fix, repair. 고치다.
I fixed the radio.

pain. 고통.
I felt a pain
in my knee.

hometown. 고향.
Seoul is my hometown.

melody. 곡.
I've ever heard
this melody.

insect. 곤충.
I collected insects.

soon. 곧.
I'll be back soon.

straight. 곧장.
Come straight home.

snore. 코를골다.
He snores horribly.

bear. 곰.
We saw a bear
at the zoo.

multiply. 곱하다.
2 multiplied by 3
is 6.

ball. 공.
Let's play
with a ball.

space. 공간.
This table takes up
too much space.

air force. 공군.
My brother is
in the air force.

supply. 공급하다.
Our school supplies food
for the children.

air. 공기.
We cannot live
without air.

dinosaur. 공룡.
Jurassic Park is a movie
about dinosaur.

study. 공부하다.
I'm studying English.

polite. 공손하다.
Don't be rude,
be polite.

park. 공원.
Dad took me
to the park.

peacock. 공작새.
A peacock has
beautiful feathers.

factory. 공장.
He works in a factory.

princess. 공주.
He married Princess Pyung-gang.

free. 공짜로.
It's free.

notebook. 공책.
Do you have a notebook?

common. 공통의.
English is a common language
in the world.

fair. 공평하다.
It's not fair.

airport. 공항.
He arrived
at Kimpo Airport.

past. 과거.
He was poor
in the past.

subject. 과목.
Which subject
would you like?

fruit. 과일.
What kind of fruit
do you like?

candy, cookie. 과자.
Give me some cookies.

science. 과학.
Edison was interested
in science.

interest. 관심.
I am interested
in sports.

all right. O.K. 괜찮다.
Are you all right?
I'm O.K.

monster. 괴물.
Here comes a monster.

schoo song. 교가.
Let's sing a school song.

vice-principal. 교감.
He is the vice-principal
of our school.

textbook. 교과서.
I need to buy
a textbook.

teachers' room. 교무실.
Teachers' room is
at the first floor.

school gate. 교문.
A student is standing
by the school gate.

classroom. 교실.
There are forty students
in the classroom.

principal. 교장.
He is the principal
of our school.

traffic. 교통.
There's the heavy traffic.

church. 교회.
We go to church
every Sunday.

beg. 구걸하다.
He begged for food.

ambulance. 구급차.
Call an ambulance.

shoes. 구두.
Betty bought
a pair of shoes yesterday.

roll. 구르다.
The ball rolled
down the hill.

cloud. 구름.
There is a white cloud
in the sky.

hole. 구멍.
There is a hole
in the roof.

bend. 구부리다.
She bent down.

corner. 구석.
Sit in the corner.

September. 구월.
Today is September ninth.

save. 구하다.
He saved my life.




1.읽기: [읽고쓰기] 내용을 의미어구에 따라 끊어서 쓰고 어구번호 붙이기
2.듣기: [듣고말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 끊어서 따라 말하기

3.쓰기:[바꿔쓰기] 내용을 보면서 옆에 /표시하고 의미를 바꿔서 쓰기
4.말하기: [바꿔말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 바꿔서 말하기

{어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6}

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