Reality TV star Kim kardashian and her boyfriend kanyewest 1
have stayed 2
silent 4
over multiple reports 4
that kardashian gave 6
birth 3
over the weekend. 4
But her sister 'Khloe' 1
isn't staying 2
silent. 4
She 1
tweeted 2
" I 1
cannot 2 <- even begin 4 =>2
to describe the miracle 3
that is now apart of our family. 6
Mommy and baby 1
are healthy and resting. 2
And Kardashian's mother, kris Jenner 1
said, 2
sunday 4
that Kim is extremely happy and thrilled 6
for the new baby. 4
The baby 1
was born 2
about a month premature. 4
Kardashian and West 1
had initally kept 2
the baby's gender 3
a secret, 4
but that changed, 6
earlier this month 4
when one of her doctor's appointment was inclued 6 =>4
in her show, 4
"Keeping up 2
with the Kardashians" 4
Representatives 1
for West and Kardashian 4
haven't reponded 2
to calls and e-mails 4
from the Associated Press. 4
Nor 1
have 2
any representatives 3
for family members , friend and professional associates. 4
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