Global warming 1
is causing changes 2
in the sea level. 4
Scientists 1
have recently discovered 2
that the sea level 3
long the coast 4
of Maine 3
has risen 30-50cm 2
and along the coast 4
of Nova Scotia 3
as much as 60cm s 4
since 1750 AD. 4
They 1
were able 2
to go back 3
in time, 4
so to speak, 3
by studying the evidence 4
of change using accurate sea-level estimations 4
based on analyses 5
of salt marsh peat. 4
"This 1
is the first time 2
that the rise has been adequately dated. 6
This 1
is also the first time 2
that _________________________, 6
several hundred miles apart," 4
explained a researcher 5
from the University 4
of Plymouth in the UK. 4
(a) the existence 1
of salt marsh peat 4
has been recorded 2
(b) we 1
have proven 2
different coastal lands are sinking 3
(c) the same kind 1
of ancient ruins 3
have been found intact 2
(d) it 1
has been documented 2
and verified 2
in two locations 4
Global warming 1
is causing 2 <=
changes 3 <=
in the sea level. 4
Scientists 1
have recently discovered 2
that the sea level 3
long the coast 4
of Maine 3
has risen 30-50cm 2
and along the coast 4
of Nova Scotia 3
as much as 60cm s 4 => 2
since 1750 AD. 4
They 1
were able 2
to go back 3
in time, 4
so to speak, 3 => 4
by studying the evidence 4
of change 3 <= //
using accurate sea-level estimations 4 => 5
based on analyses 5
of salt marsh peat. 4 =>3
"This 1
is the first time 2
that the rise has been adequately dated. 6
This 1
is also the first time 2
that _________________________, 6
several hundred miles apart," 4
explained a researcher 5
from the University 4
of Plymouth in the UK. 4
(a) the existence 1
of salt marsh peat 4 => 3
has been recorded 2
(b) we 1
have proven 2
different coastal lands are sinking 3
(c) the same kind 1
of ancient ruins 3
have been found intact 2
(d) it 1
has been documented 2
and verified 2
in two locations 4
1.읽기: [끊어읽기-읽고쓰기] 내용을 의미어구에 따라 끊어서 쓰고 어구번호 붙이기 2.듣기: [끊어듣기-듣고말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 끊어서 따라 말하기
(어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6)
3.쓰기:[끊어쓰기-바꿔쓰기] 내용을 보면서 옆에 /표시하고 의미를 바꿔서 쓰기 4.말하기: [끊어말하기-바꿔말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 바꿔서 말하기