Why did I send the gospel to people in fear. I was pitiful myself. I met Jon ho at the library of sung sil universirty after worship of the church. I decided to tell him about Gospel. We ate chinese food for dinner. And then, we talked about what we have done. Talked with Jong ho, I realized that he was very painful sometimes. Because of upcoming peet exam, he couldn't seep well. So, I want to help him. I think that he need to accept Jesus Christ in his heart. When I went back to home. I didn't tell him about him. Instead of this, I suggested that I want to visit you in my church on May 29th. But he refused. He told me 'I will go there in Agust after peet exam. I was very pitiful. I feltl that he need God now. But he didn't realize and know. even though If he success in peet examination without God. Is he really happy? in painful life? need a sleeping drug for insomnia? in stressful life? I don't know how I can help him. I just wanna God to help him. I just want that God save His life.
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