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[3중급] Jack Hanna's animal adventures  

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Jack Hanna's animal adventures

welcome to 'animal adventures.'

Today, thanks in part
to the inspiring efforts of Marlin Perks,
this gateway to the west is now an urban oasis 12
for a remarkable variety of wildlife. 4
So join me now in St. Louis 23
on the mighty Mississippi 4
As we follow in a great man's footsteps.4
since its founding, 4
St.Louis has attracted fearless pioneers.123
People with a clear vision of the future..14
People like Marlin Perkins. 14
through his TV show, 4
He took us to places we'd never been..1234
to animals we'd never seen before.4
and he thought us 123
that extinction is forever. 12
As director of the St.Louis zoo, 4
It was his dream 12
to preserve wildlife.4    
So in 1971, 4
he established a wolf sanctuary, 123
now run by Dr. susan Lindsey. 24

and he saw 12
in his travels around the country 4
that these animals were being persecuted.612
that habitat destruction and man was killing them,61123
shooting them,5
and he saw that was the problem.123
It's a haven 12
dedicated breeding endangered wolves 553
for released into the wild  4
can be heard once more, 24

It was a call I just had to answer, 1212
and set up seclude refugee 23
of the tyson research station. 3
Aah, better move the gate here. 23

come on through. 2
Okay, now let me get 23
in the truck here. 4

Jack Hanna's animal adventures

welcome to 'animal adventures.'

Today, thanks in part
to the inspiring efforts of Marlin Perks,
this gateway to the west is now an urban oasis
for a remarkable variety of wildlife.
So join me now in St. Louis on the mighty Mississippi
As we follow in a great man's footsteps.
since its founding,
St.Louis has attracted fearless pioneers.
People with a clear vision of the future..
People like Marlin Perkins.
through his TV show,
He took us to places we'd never been..
to animals we'd never seen before.
and he thought us that extinction is forever.
As director of the St.Louis zoo,
It was his dream to preserve wildlife.
So in 1971, he established a wolf sanctuary,
now run by Dr. susan Lindsey.

Jack Hanna's animal adventures

welcome to 'animal adventures.'

Today, thanks in part
to the inspiring efforts of Marlin Perks,
this gateway to the west is now an urban oasis
for a remarkable variety of wildlife.
So join me now in St. Louis on the mighty Mississippi
As we follow in a great man's footsteps.
since its founding,
St.Louis has attracted fearless pioneers.
People with a clear vision of the future..
People like Marlin Perkins.
through his TV show,
He took us to places we'd never been..
to animals we'd never seen before.
and he thought us that extinction is forever.
As director of the St.Louis zoo,
It was his dream to preserve wildlife.
So in 1971, he established a wolf sanctuary,
now run by Dr. susan Lindsey.

Jack Hannah

Their numbers have dwindled to less than 200 in captivity,
and 65 (were born) right here.
Okay, (we're) moving forward.
Okay, everybody hold your line.
(keep him) coming
Let him go through?
oh, man. .
She got one!
No, she didn't.
(Should I get) that one?
Let him go.
whoa, whoa, whoa!
Ohh! good try.
wolves 3, humans 0.
(those pups could really) move.
we got two.
we needed one more.
(This is harder than catching pigs in a slop pen.)
It took some doing,
but we finally (caught them all).
After all those stories (about the big, bad wolf)
I was surprised at (how docile they were.)
As I checked the microchips (that tell him apart),  
somehow they knew (I meant them) no harm.
But the time had come,
The vet had to give them their shots.
Those needles sure gave me the willies,
(but wolves need distemper and rabies shots),
(The same ones your dog gets.)
Still, it's important to keep these animals
as wild as possible.
(with a careful eye on) their future survival.
with (a clean bill of health),
they were free to go.
next time they're (turned loose, it'll be in the wild.)
(Already the howls of) eleven mexican gray wolves
echo through the canyons of the apache national forest
in Arizona.
(Released in) march 1998
they continue to thrive and multiply
producing the first wild-born mexican wolves
in about 50 years.


So, see the world.
the wolf leaves us with a bad impression.
Sometimes when we read like 'little red riding hood'
what's the other one, 'the three little pig'?
the poor, little wolf never had a chance
until we all get here to the wolf sancturary.
and they taught us differently, right?
yeah, yeah.
that's why tonight we're going to go
in the woods
and look for wolves.
as we wlked through the woods,
I owndered if the wolves would hawl
for us tonight.
Sometimes they hawl when they're hungry
sometimes when they sad,
But nerver unless they want to.
In just a few second,
everybody's going to howl.
it kind of works really well
if you put your hands up
and just let it go.
one two three!

shh, listen! wow.
that is cool, kids!
now, when you hear that
in the wild, kids,
that's something.
we didn't see any wolves
but we felt their presence and heard their song.

I wonder if a bird would fly to me.
I think we can work something out.
Here. you might need this to catch him.
we'll go down in the field,
and we'll get you all set up.
just stand here?
yeah, put your hand out, and he should be right here.
I was amazed.
floating along like a moth, it lit on my arm.
light as the air around me.
The owl is called the bird of silent flight, isn't it?
Yeah, the ghost phantasma,
if you speak spanish.
it's the most endangered species we have in the midwest.
this one owl will consume 2,000 mice a year,
so it's a great natural control mechanism
for our agricultural industry,
and that's why we're trying to bring it back.
Why do they call an owl wise?
I don't even know if there's true or not,
because work with them,
I don't know if they're wise.
I think because of their silent, stoic stance,
where they just kind of look things over.
owls may not be wise,
But like all other birds of prey, y
they have incredible eyesight,
which comes in pretty handy for these insatiable hunters.
In fact,
the predatory instincts of birds like the falcon
are providing a low-tech solution
to a high-tech problem.

Many other endangered [foxes] await their turn.
In addiction [rare animals],
the [endangered animals sanctuary] breeds [special species].
for example Iranian wolves..
and these strange-looking animals--maned [livestock]  
Native to south america,
this [cattle] on stilts was nearly hunted out of existence.
they're very [brave],
but like most other [dogs],
they communicate by [shouting].
Nowadays, not many [civilian] can say they've heard
the [sorrowful] howl of a wolf [at dawn].
but at the [rare animal] sanctuary,
it's all part of an [encounter] I'll never forget.
Wolf howls are a [classical behavior] here.
They bring back a [mountain feeling],
when [travelers] gathered around
the crackling glow of a campfire.
staying warm and swapping [haunted stories].

Jack Hanna's animal adventures 5:30

So, see the world. 23
the wolf leaves us with a bad impression. 1234
Sometimes when we read like 'little red riding hood' 4
what's the other one, 'the three little pig'? 621 1?
the poor, little wolf never had a chance 123
until we all get here to the wolf sancturary. 4
and they taught us differently, right? 12
yeah, yeah. 1
that's why tonight we're going to go 12612
in the woods 4
and look for wolves. 23
as we walked through the woods, 4
I wondered if the wolves would howl 12312
for us tonight. 4
Sometimes they howl when they're hungry 412412
sometimes when they sad, 412
But nerver unless they want to.412
In just a few second, 4
everybody's going to howl. 123
it kind of works really well  12
if you put your hands up  4123
and just let it go.  23
one two three!  1

shh, listen! wow.  2
that is cool, kids!  12
now, when you hear that   4123
in the wild, kids,  4
that's something.  12
we didn't see any wolves  123
but we felt their presence and heard their song. 12323

Jack Hannah 16:55

Marlin was very (energetic person)
about (managing zoo and organizing people).
He loved (nature and human resource),
He knew (a much information about their situation).
And he wanted (everyone to be energetic to ecosystem).

After Marlin's retirement,
he continued (his loving work about animals and people).
He and his wife established (the some kind of animal sanctuary).
They also (provided a lot of supplies to Walter Crawford).
Marlin's dream lives on at the St. Louis Zoo.
where the children he once (gave motive in his TV program)
now work as zoologists,
sharing his vision (through tough processing)
at the new children's zoo.

So, what's next at this remarkable person's zoo?
Let's go the rikeet aviary.
First, we had to drink some kind of nectar.
So, these lorikeets don't hurt you, do they?
No, they don't.
All right.




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