• 접속자(26)
  • 새글
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  • 회원가입
  • 검색
[영어]_1기초반, [영어]_2초급반, [영어]_3중급반, [영어]_4고급반 멤버쉽 회원만 이용가능한 게시판 입니다. 결제버튼을 눌러 신청해주세요.      

[3중급] 마가복음 4장  

Again Jesus began
to teach
by the lake.


The crowd
that gathered
around him
was so large
that he got
into a boat
and sat
in it
out on the lake,
while all the people were
along the shore
at the water's edge.


He taught
many things
by parables,
and in his teaching said:




A farmer went out
to sow his seed.


As he was scattering
the seed,
some fell
along the path,
and the birds came
and ate
it up.


Some fell
on rocky places,
where it did not have
much soil.


It sprang up quickly,
because the soil was shallow.

But when the sun came up,
the plants were scorched,
and they withered
because they had
no root.


Other seed fell
among thorns,
which grew up
and choked
the plants,
so that they did not bear


Still other seed fell
on good soil.


It came up,
and produced
a crop,
multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times."


Then Jesus said,


who has
to hear,


When he was alone,
the Twelve and the others around him asked
about the parables.

He told


"The secret of the kingdom of God
has been given
to you.


But to those
on the outside
everything is said
in parables
so that,


" 'they may be ever seeing
but never perceiving,
and ever hearing
but never understanding;


otherwise they might turn
and be forgiven!'"


Then Jesus said
to them,


"Don't you understand
this parable?


How then will you understand
any parable?


The farmer sows
the word.


Some people are
like seed
along the path,
where the word is sown.


As soon as they hear
Satan comes
and takes away
the word
that was sown
in them.

like seed
sown on rocky places,
the word
and at once receive
with joy.


But since they have
no root,
they last
only a short time.


When trouble or persecution comes
because of the word,
they quickly fall away.


Still others,
like seed
sown among thorns,
the word;


but the worries of this life,
the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things
come in
and choke
the word,
making it unfruitful.


like seed
sown on good soil,
the word,
and produce
a crop
--thirty, sixty or even a hundred times
what was sown."

He said
to them,


"Do you bring
in a lamp
to put it
under a bowl or a bed?


don't you put it
on its stand?


For whatever is hidden
is meant

to be disclosed,
and whatever is concealed
is meant

to be brought out

into the open.


If anyone has ears to hear,


"Consider carefully
what you hear,"


he continued.


"With the measure you use,
it will be measured
to you
--and even more.


Whoever has
will be given


whoever does not have,
even what he has
will be taken
from him."

He also said,


"This is
what the kingdom of God is like.


A man scatters
on the ground.


Night and day,
whether he sleeps or gets up,
the seed sprouts and grows,
though he does not know


by itself
the soil produces
--first the stalk,
then the head,
then the full kernel
in the head.


As soon as the grain is ripe,
he puts
the sickle
to it,
because the harvest has come."


Again he said,


"What shall we say
the kingdom of God is like,
or what parable shall we use
to describe

It is
like a mustard seed,
which is the smallest seed
you plant
in the ground.


Yet when planted,
it grows
and becomes
the largest of all garden plants,
with such big branches
that the birds of the air
can perch
in its shade."


With many similar parables
Jesus spoke
the word
to them,
as much as they could understand.


He did not say
to them
without using a parable.


But when he was alone
with his own disciples,
he explained


That day
when evening came,
he said
to his disciples,


"Let us go
over to the other side."

Leaving the crowd behind,
they took
him along,
just as he was,
in the boat.


There were also other boats
with him.


A furious squall came up,
and the waves broke
over the boat,
so that it was nearly swamped.


Jesus was
in the stern,
sleeping on a cushion.


The disciples woke
and said
to him,


don't you care
if we drown?"


He got up,
the wind
and said
to the waves,




Be still!"


Then the wind died down
and it was completely calm.


He said
to his disciples,


"Why are you so afraid?


Do you still have
no faith?"

They were terrified
and asked
each other,


"Who is this?


Even the wind and the waves obey




1.읽기: [끊어읽기-읽고쓰기] 내용을 의미어구에 따라 끊어서 쓰고 어구번호 붙이기
2.듣기: [끊어듣기-듣고말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 끊어서 따라 말하기

(어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6)

3.쓰기:[끊어쓰기-바꿔쓰기] 내용을 보면서 옆에 /표시하고 의미를 바꿔서 쓰기
4.말하기: [끊어말하기-바꿔말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 바꿔서 말하기

답변하시면 포인트 10을, 답변이 채택되면 포인트 100점 (채택 0 + 추가 100) 을 드립니다.

번호 분류 제목 글쓴이 상태 날짜 추천 조회
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4 3중급 마가복음 6장 진저브레드 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물
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2 3중급 마가복음 6장 진저브레드 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물
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1 3중급 마가복음 4장 진저브레드 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물
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