detail n
l have details for the plan. 123
solution n
l must find solution to get out from it. 1234
communism n
l hate communism. 12
tide n
The tide is coming in. 123
brute n admiration n
l have great admiration for his courage. 123
cell n
Did you learn about cell division? 234
symbol n
A cross is a symbol of Christianity. 123
miracle n
A mircle happened. 12
horror n
l don't like a horror movie. 123
fortune n
Fortune smiled on me. 124
sigh n
l had a deep sigh. 123
navy n
l joined the navy. 123
inability n
He needed a wheelchair because of his inability to walk. 1234
territory n
That is a Korean territory. 123
imitation n
Children learn by imitation. 124
alternative n
We have no alternative but to work. 1234
Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speak 1234
beast n
Do you know Beast? 23
illasion n
He thinks Heaven is an illusion. 123
disillusion n
She is disillusioned with life in general. 1234
election n
l hate election. 12
resort n
l went to HanHaw resort. 123
historian n
Historic matters should be left to the historians. 123
treasure n
Treasure friendship. 23
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