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[영어]_1기초반, [영어]_2초급반, [영어]_3중급반, [영어]_4고급반 멤버쉽 회원만 이용가능한 게시판 입니다. 결제버튼을 눌러 신청해주세요.      

[3끊어쓰기] An Analysis of The Relationship between teacher-infant interaction, Emotional Labor, Emotional Intelligence and Religious Maturity of Christian Teachers of Child-care Center.  


An Analysis of The Relationship between teacher-infant interaction, Emotional Labor, Emotional Intelligence and Religious Maturity of Christian Teachers of Child-care Center.

The purpose of this study is to probe the relevance of the religious maturity of christian teachers of child-care center to teacher-infant interaction, emotional labor and emotional intelligence. The survey was conducted on 171 christian teachers of early-child class who work on child-care center in In-cheon. The survey of religious maturity(Huh su-jin, 2009), the survey of teacher-infant interaction(Kim hyun-ji, 2005), the survey of emotional labor(Kim su-yeon, 2015), the survey of emotional intelligence(Kim su-yeon, 2015)was used.
For the data processing, the Analysis of Frequency, Verifying Confidence, Product-moment Correlation Analysis was applied.
The major results are as follows. First, the positive relationship of teacher-infant interaction was emerged according to the religious maturity of teachers of early-child class. Second, the whole of the religious maturity had the negative re lationship to outer behavior, the positive relationship to inner behavior. Third, the whole of the religious maturity had significant positive relationship to the whole of emotional intelligence and sub-variable respectively.
This study can provide the necessity of the plan to raise teacher-infant interaction and to develop emotional labor and emotional intelligence aiming teacher of christian child-care center and the applicaion and development of faith education program and material to raise of religious maturity of christian teacher.  





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