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[2끊어듣기] One life to live  

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One life to live



Can anybody hear
my calling?

I think
in big problem.
You're still
Yeah, I've doing
a lot of worrying.

about what?

dirty chores,
You never think
You're going
to lose chance
like that.

and you have to work
for those stuff.

and they'll need
for every situation.
and the next scene,
You look around
to search them.
They don't need
at all.

You knows,
I was thinking
about those scenery.

in the middle of the day
and all those dirty stuff.

There's a whole lot of bad thins
that go along
with that.

I'll go make sure

All right.

I'm sorry
about that, Dad.

That's ok.
do you want
a drink or something?

Oh, no.
I should get going back
home to tea,
That is,
if she's still there,
why wouldn't she be?

'cause I have
no idea
where we stand.

If you don't get
that search party
off their asses
and up that mountain,
heads are going to roll.

Breathe, Breathe, ok?

You can't help
if you 're giving
yourself a heart attack.

Well, it's not just Jessica
I'm worried about.

Natalie, too.

Did you hear that?

I don't hear anything.

I thought
I had a truck
It's gone now.
I wish
I knew
who the sap was
who knocked stacy up
I'd tell
him to head
for the hills.

Maybe I shouldn't have told
you all of this,
Are you scared
that I'm going to give you up?


Well, that was.
What do you name

A hypothermical.

I would never go try
to search the guy.

No, it's not problem.

I know
you must inform Rex
about Stacy,
and that if anybody ever solved
how you figured out,
I'd get blocked
from medical school again.

But I know
you'd never leak that out.
You do? how?

'cause I believe you.

You're my best buddy.

I never get
one of those compliment
Well, maybe it's
about chance.

I'm just anxious
about making a mistake.

'cause I hate
seeing you troubled
like this situation.

Hey, look.
I'm going to be troubled
either way.

But it's not as bad
as Rex going
after Stacy thinking that.

that's his kid,
If she wasn't already abducted
I'd grab
his neck.

You'd surely have to stand in like
for that had behave.

Well, you know

I hate
So maybe I have to find
to take out on




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