Strange Feeling
As Iwalked into the room, l could tell something was strange.
I didn't see the snack. That means that mom wasangry with me. Also the
room was ascold as an ice room. At tnat moment I felt scared. Then l
heard the voice. It was mom.
"Kelly, what are you doing?" she called me
"I was just checking my room" I answered.
"What's going on?" mom came up. She smiled. That was very strange.
Ithought mom was angry at me.
"It's snack time come down to kitchen,today's snack is acupcake!"
Ithought I was wrong, but I was not. I was "RIGHT". Mom"WAS" angry
at me, because my test scoreis not good. I didn't know that even I
didn't think about that. So Ithought "I'd better study".
Mom doesn't seems to know why I studyingtoo hard. But she loves that.
I'm proud of myself and mydad too. Because dad knew what happened.
Well, this is happy ending.
Kelly Yoon
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