"l will train as l have done for years. l will meet with my coaches to set training schedules and select programs." She has evaded questions about retirement after winning the gold medal at the Vancover Winter Olympics in February. Her coach, Brian Orser, hopes kim will continue her career. However, She noted that she is not sure she will take part in this year's competitions until she is confident about her condition and athleticism.
. . . "l will train 12 . as l have done 3 . for years. 4 . l will meet 12 . with my coaches 4 . to set training schedules 3 . and select programs." 3 . She has evaded questions 12 . about retirement 3 . after winning the gold medal 4 . at the Vancover Winter Olympics 4 . in February. 4 . Her coach, 1 . Brian Orser, 1 . hopes kim will continue 23 . her career. 3 . However, 6 . She noted 12 . that she is not sure 62 . she will take part 12 . in this year's competitions 4 . until she is confident 4 . about her condition 3 . and athleticism. 3 .
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