>1. a study at one prison showed that owning a pet can charge a hardened prison inmate into a more caring person. another study discovered that senior citizens, both those living alone and those in nursing homes, become more interested in life when they are given pets to care for. even emotionally disturbed children have been observed to smile and react with interest if there is a cuddly kitten or puppy to hold. aninals, then, can be a means of therapy for all kinds of individuals.
2. eating a small, 1.6-ounce bar of dark chocolate every day is good for the heart. dark chocolate bars with a high-cocoa content are loaded with something called epicatechin. epicatechin is a particularly active member of a group of compounds called plant flavonoids. flavonoids keep cholesterol form gathering a in blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots, and slow down the immune responses that lead to clogged arteries. dark chocolate contains more flavonoids than any other known food.
3. early humans viewed nature as inherently changeable, ruled by fate. in the search of order and security, humans turned fist to religion, then to science, it was believed, could unravel the mysteries of nature by learning to predict causes and effects, thus opening our eyes to the future. but we now know that this mechanistic view of the world is fundamentally off track. we are learning that we must predict limits to our predictions; we must discover how little as well as how much we can anticipate.
4. the recent increase in typhoons and hurricanes is yet another sign of global warming. with the melting of the polar ice caps, many of our coastal cities could one day be under water. another expected result will be lower snow levels in our mountains, along with faster snow melt in the spring. the faster melting will undoubtedly cause flooding in low-lying areas, and therefore create a need to keep the level of our reservoirs low enough to accommodate the extra water. we've heard enough political talk on the issue. it's time that our politicians actually DO something about the problem of global warming.
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