A (push) in pressure me why won't (this) blasted pin go (in)? Now stop moving Isabelle (that is) a good.. ouch! (Do) you (have) a bit of trouble Babar? Good (afternoon) a (bit) lf l can just get (Jenny) to stop moving l could get (this) pin There you (are).. How (was) that my little (sweetie)? (yes) Babar l have a (surprise) (present) for you A (mail) (had) just (came) from an old friend of yours why lt's from (John) lt's (really) (old time) You know l was (always) thinking about (John) the other day lt (feels) like (that) was only (last week) when you two first meet l (can) remember that day You were (reading) and l was (terribly nurves) l (had) an idea... why don't you go out and play with (people)? l (will) if l (had) an friend
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