(이영화 선생님 수정)
A Qualitative CaseStudy on the First Child Care
RearingStress of Christian Mothers
Utilizing the through Parenting EducationProgram
Based on the Using Biblical Counseling
The purpose of this study is to provide
ameaning of the rearing of first child and a practical resources
to overcome the stress of that
through parenting education using biblical counseling
n-depthanalysis aproached with the view of child-care utilizing biblical counseling
about the stress of first child care of christian parents.
to help Christian mothers experiencing the first child reaingstress.
The participants ofthis study are one two christian mothers
whose daughter ishas a 25 months old daughter
and the other mother who has a17 months old, daughter. respectively.
The Christian parenting education program
using the biblical counseling
developedby Chung Heejung
has been utilized
as an instrument of twenty-four in-depthcounseling interviews,
conducted from April 13, 2015 to November 16, 2015.
The major results findings are asfollows.
First. christian the mothersrecognized
the situation of the first child rearingstress
about the rearing of first child through parents educationprogram
applicating biblical counseling.
Second. christian mothers they understanded understood
the cause of the problem
and found out searching theiremotion and desire
through the objectiveanalysis and evaluation about the stress
of childrearing stress. the rearing of first child.
Third. they proceededchanged
to the virtuous circle fromvicious cycle
establishing developing anew purpose goal
in child rearing ofthe rearing of child through God's grace.
Fourth. they were educated
to new made a change of therearing behaviors
andmade a change in child rearing of child through the eduation and
through the continuous practice. of new behavior ofchild-rearing.
In conclusion,
through the parenting educationprogram utilizing
using the biblicalcounseling,
the Christian mothers realized parentsunderstanded
the meaning of themselves as a parent in God
from anawareness of the with recognition about vicious circle cycle
of their from their bad response
to the child rearing stress of the stress ofchild-rearing
and became to depend reliedon God
in their continuous process of child-rearing child rearing process.
A Qualitative CaseStudy on the First Child Care RearingStress of Christian Mothers Utilizing the through Parenting EducationProgram Based on the Using Biblical Counseling
The purpose of this study is to provide ameaning of the rearing of first child and a practical resources to overcome the stress of that through parenting education using biblical counseling in-depthanalysis aproached with the view of child-care utilizing biblical counselingabout the stress of first child care of christian parents. to help Christian mothers experiencing the first child reaingstress.
The participants ofthis study are one two christian motherswhose daughter ishas a 25 months old daughter and the other mother who has a17 months old, daughter. respectively. TheChristian parenting education program using the biblical counseling developedby Chung Heejung has been utilized as an instrument of twenty-four in-depthcounseling interviews, conducted from April 13, 2015 to November 16, 2015.
The major results findings are asfollows. First. christian the mothersrecognized the situation of the first child rearingstress about the rearing of first child through parents educationprogram applicating biblical counseling. Second. christian mothers they understanded understoodthe cause of the problem and found out searching theiremotion and desire through the objectiveanalysis and evaluation about the stress of childrearing stress. the rearing of first child. Third. they proceededchanged to the virtuous circle fromvicious cycle establishing developing anew purpose goal in child rearing ofthe rearing of child through God's grace. Fourth. they were educated to new made a change of therearing behaviors andmade a change in child rearing of child through the eduation and through the continuous practice. of new behavior ofchild-rearing.
In conclusion, through the parenting educationprogram utilizing using the biblicalcounseling, the Christian mothers realized parentsunderstanded the meaning of themselves as a parent in God from anawareness of the with recognition about vicious circle cycle of their from their bad response to the child rearing stress of the stress ofchild-rearing and became to depend reliedon God in their continuous process of child-rearing child rearing process.
Key words: Biblicalcounseling, christian parenting education, first child, child care rearingstress, qualitative case study
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{어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6}