The European Commission, the Eu executive believes that the joint issuing of eurobonds
by the 17 euro nation.
would be the most effective way
to tackle the financial crisis, according to a draft paper seen Monday.
The study
by the European Commission, the Eu's executive branch
will be presendted
and could intensify a rift
with Germany, which rejects eurobonds as a viable option at the moment
because it would expose its taxpayers
to weaker countries' bad debt.
Germany already funds the bulk of the existing bailouts.
The draft,
published by the Financial Times and confirmed by the Commission,
said replacing national bonds
with one jointly-backed bond
would have to be matched
by tight financial and budgetory coordination.
It also says discipline would be needed
to make it impossible for profilagate nation to live on the back of butget, conscious member states.
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