Apple Inc. 1
applied 2
for a radio wave certificate 4
at a South Korean national agency 4
for its new iPhone 4S 4
on Wednesday, 4
signaling 5
an imminent domestic launch 3
of its latest smartphone. 4
An offcial 1
at the National Radio Searc Agency, 4
which oversees 6
and certifies 2
the radio wave compatibility 3
of mported electronics products, 4
confirmed 2
that Apple submitted 6
the newly 3
minted 2
iPhone 4S 3
to the agency 4
to have it certified 4
before it 4
officially goes 2
on sale. 4
The certification process 1
usually takes 2
one week, 3
which will make 6
the iPhone 4S 3
ready 2
to go 3
on sale 4
as early as November 4
in South Korea. 4
Apple 1
sold 2
more than 4 million iPhons 4S smartphones 3
during the first three days 4
of its launch 4
in seven countries, 4
it 1
said. 2
1.읽기: [끊어읽기-읽고쓰기] 내용을 의미어구에 따라 끊어서 쓰고 어구번호 붙이기 2.듣기: [끊어듣기-듣고말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 끊어서 따라 말하기
(어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6)
3.쓰기:[끊어쓰기-바꿔쓰기] 내용을 보면서 옆에 /표시하고 의미를 바꿔서 쓰기 4.말하기: [끊어말하기-바꿔말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 바꿔서 말하기
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