Pentagon: N. Korea 1 could launch 2 nuclear missile 3
A U.S. intelligence report 1 concludes 2 that North Korea has advanced 3 its nuclear knowhow 3 to the point 4 that it could arm 6 a ballistic missile 3 with a nuclear warhead, a jarring revelation 4 in the midst of bellicose threats 4 from the unpredictable communist regime. 4
President Barack Obama 1 urged 2 calm, 3 calling on Pyongyang 5 to end its saber-rattling 4 while sternly warning 4 that he would “take 3 all necessary steps” 3 to protect American citizens.4
The new American intelligence analysis, 1 disclosed Thursday 6 at a hearing in Congress, 4 says 2 the Pentagon's intelligence wing has 3 “moderate confidence” 3 that North Korea has 6 nuclear weapons 3 capable of delivery 3 by ballistic missiles 4 but that the weapon was unreliable. 6
Rep. Doug Lamborn 1 read 2 aloud 4 what he said 3 was an unclassified paragraph 6=> 2 from a secret Defense Intelligence Agency report 4 that was supplied => 6 to some members of Congress. => 4
The reading 1 seemed to take 2(???) Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 3 , by surprise, 4 who said he hadn't seen 6 the report 3 and declined to answer 6 questions about it.
In a statement late Thursday, 4 Pentagon press secretary George Little 1 said: 2 “While I 1 cannot speak 2 to all 3 the details of a report 3 that is classified in its entirety,6 it 1 would be inaccurate to suggest 2 that the North Korean regime has fully tested, developed or demonstrated 3 the kinds of nuclear capabilities referenced” in Lamborn's remarks. 4
`”The United States 1 continues to closely monitor 2 the North Korean nuclear program 3 and calls upon 2(call on : 요구하다) North Korea 3 to honor its international obligations,” 3 Little 1 added.2
The DIA conclusion 1(3) was confirmed 2 by a senior congressional aide 3 (1) who spoke on 6 condition of anonymity 3( anonymity : 익명성) because the Pentagon 1 had not officially released 2 the contents. 3
The aide 1 said 2 the report 3 was produced in March.6
Since the beginning of March, 4 the Navy 1 has moved 2 two missile defense ships 3 closer to the coast of the Korean peninsula, 4 in part to protect against 4 a potential missile 3 launch aimed 6 at Guam, a U.S. territory in the Pacific. 4
The Pentagon 1 also has announced 2 it will place 3 a more advanced land-based missile defense 3 on Guam, 4 and Hagel 1 said 2 in March 4 that he approved 3 installing 14 additional missile interceptors 3 in Alaska to bolster 4 a portion of the missile defense network 3 that is designed to protect 6 all of U.S. territory.3
On Thursday,4 the Pentagon 1 said 2 it had moved 3 a sea-based X-band radar 3 _ designed to track 6 warheads 3 in flight _ into position in the Pacific. 4
Notably absent from (???) that unclassified segment of the report 1 was any reference to 2 what the DIA believes 4 is the range of a missile North Korea 6 could arm with 6 a nuclear warhead. 3
Much of its missile arsenal 1(arsenal : 무기, 무기고) is capable of reaching 2 South Korea and Japan,4 but Kim 1 has threatened 2 to attack 3 the United States as well. 3
At the House Armed Services Committee 4 hearing 5(???) in which he revealed 6 (????) 그가 DIA 평가를 드러낸 것을 듣고서?? the DIA assessment, 3 Lamborn 1 asked 2 Dempsey, 3 whether he agreed with it. 3
Dempsey 1 said 2 he had not seen 3 the report. 3
“You 1 said 2 it's not publicly released,3 so I 1 choose not 2 to comment 3 on it,” 4 Dempsey 1 said.2
But David Wright, 1 a nuclear weapons expert 6 at the Union of Concerned Scientists,4 said 2 the DIA assessment probably does not change 3 the views of those 3 who closely follow 6 developments 3 in North Korea's pursuit of a nuclear weapon. 4
“People 1 are starting 2 to believe 3 North Korea very likely has 3 the capability 3 to build a nuclear weapon small 4 enough to put on 4 some of their shorter-range missiles,”3 Wright 1 said. 2
“Once you 1 start 2 talking about warheads 3 small enough and technically capable to be 6 on a long-range missile, 4 I1 think 2 it's much more 3 an open question.”4
The DIA assessment 1 is not out of line with comments 2 Dempsey made Wednesday 6 when he was asked 6 at a Pentagon news conference 4 whether North Korea was capable of pairing 3 a nuclear warhead 3 to a ballistic missile 4 that could reach Japan or beyond. 6
In response, 4 Dempsey 1 said 2 the extent of North Korean progress on 3 designing a nuclear weapon 5 small enough to operate 4 as a missile warhead 1 was a classified matter. 2
But he 1 did not rule out 2 that the North has achieved 3 the capability 3 revealed in the DIA report. 6
“They 1 have conducted 2 two nuclear tests,” 3 Dempsey 1 told 2 a Pentagon news conference. 3
“They 1 have conducted 2 several successful ballistic missile launches.3
And in the absence of concrete evidence to the contrary, 4 we 1 have to assume 2 the worst case, 3 and that 1 's why we're postured 2(posture : 자세, 가식적으로 행동하다) as we 1 are today.” 2
<4/23,화> He 1 was referring to 2 recent moves 3 by the U.S. to increase its missile defense capabilities 4 in the Pacific. 4
At the same House hearing where Lamborn revealed 6 the DIA conclusion3, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel 1 was asked 2 a different version of the same question: 3 Does North Korea 1 have 2 the capability to strike U.S. territory 3 with a nuclear weapon? 4
Hagel 1 said 2 the answer is no. 3
“Now 1(???) does 2(???) that mean 3(???) that they won't have 3 it 3 or they can't have 3 it 3 or they're not working on3 it?” 3 Hagel 1 added. 2 “No. That 1 's why this is a very dangerous situation.” 2
“Now 1 is the time 2 for North Korea to end 4 the belligerent approach 3( belligerent : 적대적인,공격적인) they have taken and to try to lower 6 temperatures,” 3 Obama 1 said 2 in his first public comments 4 since Pyongyang 1 threatened 2 the United States and its allies 3 in East Asia with nuclear attack. 4
Obama, 1 speaking from the Oval Office, 5(oval office : 대통령 집무실) said 2 he preferred to see 3 the tensions 3 on the peninsula 4 resolved through diplomatic means,5 but added 2 that “the United States will take 3 all necessary steps 3 to protect its people.”4
The North 1 on Thursday 4 delivered 2 a fresh round of war rhetoric 3(rhetoric : 미사여구, 수사법) with claims 4 it has (???) “powerful striking means” 3 on standby, the latest in a torrent of warlike threats 4(torrent : 급류) seen by outsiders 6 as an effort to scare and pressure 4 South Korea and the U.S. 3 into changing their North Korea policies. 5
<4/24, 수> Lamborn 1 is a member 2 of the Strategic Forces subcommittee of the Armed Services panel, 4 which oversees 6 ballistic missiles. 3
A former state legislator 1 who was elected to the House in 2006,6 was a member 2 of the Tea Party caucus 4(caucus : 정당의 간부) and belongs to the Republican Study Committee, the caucus of House conservatives 2
At a separate hearing Thursday, 4 U.S. officials 1 offered 2 their assessment 3 of the North Korean leader,4 who is a grandson 6 of the country's founder, Kim Il Sung. 4
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper 1 told the House Intelligence Committee 2 that he thinks 3 Kim, 3 who took control after his father, Kim Jong Il,6 died in 2011, 6 is trying to show the U.S., 3 the world and his own people 3 that he is “firmly in control in North Korea,” 6 while attempting to maneuver 5(maneuver : 책략, 술책) the international community 3 into concessions in future negotiations. 4(concession : 양도, 토지,사업권 )
“I 1 don't think ...2 he has 3 much of an endgame 3 other than to somehow elicit recognition” 4?????(elicit : 끌어내다) and to turn the nuclear threat 3 into “negotiation and to accommodation and presumably for aid,” 4 Clapper 1 said. 2
Clapper 1 said 2 that the intelligence community believes 3 the North 3 would use nuclear weapons only to preserve 6 the Kim regime 3 but that analysts do not know 3 how the regime defines that. 4
Secretary of State John Kerry 1 was headed 2 Thursday to East Asia,4 where he planned talks 6 with officials in Seoul, Beijing and Tokyo about North Korea. (AP)4
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