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[영어]_1기초반, [영어]_2초급반, [영어]_3중급반, [영어]_4고급반 멤버쉽 회원만 이용가능한 게시판 입니다. 결제버튼을 눌러 신청해주세요.      

[3끊어쓰기] President Donald Trump has announced that the U.S. is withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal,  


President Donald Trump  has announced   / The man has spoken


that the U.S. is withdrawing / that the country will escape


from the Iran nuclear deal,  / from the unseen threat,


keeping a campaign promise, / keeping the promise of alliance


but ignoring the advice of America’s allies. / but giving up the assist of other countries.




The president said / The prime minister said


he is removing / their country is changing


the U.S / the whole world


from the Iran nuclear deal  / in the mood of economial nationality


known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action / had broaden in entire world


and will reimpose  / and will conclude


economic sanctions / political independence


on Iran at "the highest level of economic sanction"  / on special part


and target / and focus


"any nation / any possiblity


that helps Iran / that could lead to development


in its quest for nuclear weapons"  / in fundamental basis


with sanctions, too. / with certenty.




Trump announced


his decision


at the White House after a last-ditch effort


by European allies


to urge Trump to stay in the agreement


and  build upon it.




Trump instead argued


the deal was so "horrible"


that it  had to be discarded


to move forward. 




"It is clear to me


that we cannot prevent


an Iranian nuclear bomb


under the decaying and rotten structure


of the current agreement,"


Trump said. 




"The Iran deal is defective


at its core.




If we do nothing,


we know exactly


what will happen." 





The nuclear deal was negotiated and agreed to


by Iran and the P5+1 –


the  U.S., U.K., France, China, Russia, and Germany –


in 2015,


granting Iran  sanctions relief


and returning frozen assets in exchange for restrictions


on its nuclear program and international inspections.




 There will now be a 90-day and a 180-day window


before certain kinds of U.S. sanctions are snapped back


into place.




But despite that wind-down  period,


the administration said clearly


it is exiting the deal.




 "We're out of the deal,"


National Security Adviser John Bolton repeated


three times


in a briefing with reporters.




 Bolton insisted


that discussions are already underway


towards  potentially renegotiating a new deal


with Iran,


but Iran –


and even  European allies --


have long maintained


that the JCPOA is not up


for  renegotiation.




 On August 6,


the first wave of U.S. sanctions will be reimposed,


on  Iran's currency, precious metals, aluminum and steel, and others.




After  an additional 90 days,


the administration will start


imposing sanctions 


on Iranian oil and other energy sectors,


the Central Bank of Iran,


and  shipping companies.




The slow implementation[이행, 실행] is designed


to give time to  U.S. allies


to withdraw their businesses


from Iran


or face American  sanctions –


putting the U.S. and Europe


at odds. [다투는, 불화하는]




 In response,


French President Emmanuel Macron,


German Chancellor Angela  Merkel,


and U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May


noted their "regret and concern"


at Trump's decision,


calling on Iran


to maintain its commitments


under the deal –


and on the U.S.


to essentially stay out of the way:




"We urge


the U.S. to ensure


that the structures of the JCPOA can remain intact [온전한]
and to avoid taking action


which obstructs


its full implementation


by all other parties to the deal,"


they said


in a joint  statement.



 While the Trump administration has suggested


they will work with Europe


moving forward,


the three leaders make clear


their "continuing  commitment" to the deal,


saying plainly,


"The world is a safer place


as a  result."




That means


no European sanctions on Iran –


and instead, 


"ensuring the continuing economic benefits


to the Iranian people


that  are linked to the agreement,"


the sanctions relief and access


to international markets. 




 That could mean


that the U.S. will have to sanction


European companies  and Europe will have to take action


to protect its businesses –


a  possibility,


according to a senior State Department official,


who told  ABC News,


"Those are discussions


we’re going to have


with the  Europeans." 




 But there hasn't been any preparation


for that so far.




"We did not talk about Plan B


in our discussions"


with Europe, a senior State Department official told






 Much of what happens next




in large part


on how Iran responds. 




Iranian President Hassan Rouhani responded


to Trump in a televised  speech,


saying that he had ordered


the country's nuclear energy agency 


to be ready to start enrichment


at an industrial scale,


but that they  would first wait a few weeks


to see how other countries respond.




That's  essentially a threat to withdraw


from the deal as well,


depending on how  Europe, Russia, and China react.




 "If we see


that our expectations from this deal


could be met in action 


by the cooperation of other countries,


we will stay in the deal,


but if  we see


our interests are not guaranteed,


we will decide accordingly


at  that time,"


he said.




 Other American allies voiced


their support for the decision, 


particularly Iranian enemies Israel and Saudi Arabia.




Israeli Prime  Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,


who gave a speech


last week


urging Trump to exit the deal,


praised "courageous leadership"


and "bold decision today 


to reject the disastrous nuclear deal


with the terrorist regime


in  Tehran."




 ABC News' Alexander Mallin and Ben Gittleson contributed to this report.






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