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[3중급] Cheney: 'We Will Not Allow' Iran Nukes  

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[Cheney: 'We Will Not Allow' Iran Nukes]

Vice President Threatens
'Serious' Consequences.

Vice President Dick Cheney today issued
his sternest warning
to date on Iran,
saying the Persian nation will not be allowed
to pursue its nuclear program.

Dismissing Iran's claims
that it is seeking
only nuclear energy
and not a weapons program,
Cheney accused
Iranian leaders of pursuing a practice
of "delay and deception
in an obvious effort to buy time."

"Our country, and the entire international community,
cannot stand by
as a terror-supporting state fulfills
its grandest ambitions,"

Cheney told
the Washington Institute
for Near East Studies.

"The Iranian regime needs to know
that if it stays
on its present course
the international community is prepared
to impose serious consequences."

The rising rhetoric could signal
that President Bush intends to take action --
possibly military action --
to halt Iran's nuclear program
before the president leaves office on Jan. 20, 2009,
some analysts said.

"That's pretty firm, clear language,"

Michael O'Hanlon, a military analyst
for the Brookings Institution,
ABC News of Cheney's wording.

"And it raises
more clearly
the specter of military action. (유령)

That is much more
than saying this isn't just an option
that we've taken off the table."

Cheney's statement bore
a striking resemblance
to this warning
before an audience of Republicans
on Jan. 31, 2003,
less than two months
before the U.S. invasion of Iraq:

"We will not permit
a brutal dictator
with ties to terror
and a record of feckless aggression (무책임한)
to dominate the Middle East
and to threaten the United States."

A spokeswoman
for the vice president said
his statements today
his previous comments on Iran.

On March 7, 2006, for instance,
he told
the American Israel Public Affairs Committee,
"And we join
other nations
in sending that regime a clear message:
We will not allow
Iran to have a nuclear weapon."

And on May 11, 2007,
he said,
"We'll stand
with others to prevent Iran
from gaining nuclear weapons
and dominating this region."

But analysts said
the administration's talk on Iran has taken
on a tone of rising warning and aggressiveness,
particularly on a week
that included
an unusually strongly worded admonition (충고)
from President Bush earlier this week.

"We got
a leader in Iran
who has announced
that he wants to destroy Israel,"
Bush told reporters
at the White House. "

So I've told
that if you're interested
in avoiding World War III,
it seems like you ought to be interested
in preventing them
from having the knowledge necessary
to make a nuclear weapon."




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