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[3중급] 'Inaccurate' to say N.Korea has nuclear missiles: U.S.  

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The United States
on Thursday
North Korea did not have
nuclear-armed missiles
as officials sought
to play down a leaked intelligence report (경시하다)
warning Pyongyang had likely succeeded
in building atomic warheads
that could be fit
on a ballistic missile.

Pentagon spokesman George Little said
"it would be inaccurate
to suggest
that the North Korean regime has fully tested,
developed, or demonstrated
the kinds of nuclear capabilities
referenced in" the intelligence report.

The statement came
after a lawmaker read out
the findings of a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report
at a congressional hearing
earlier Thursday
that appeared to signal
a shift
in Washington's view
of North Korea's nuclear program.

The DIA assessment said
US analysts had
"moderate confidence
the North currently has
nuclear weapons
capable of delivery
by ballistic missiles" (탄도 미사일)
but that the reliability of the weapons was "low."

The intelligence report marked
the first time the US government had suggested
North Korea may have succeeded
in a years-long quest
to miniaturize a nuclear device
so that it could be placed
on a missile.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel
and the US military's top officer,
General Martin Dempsey,
appeared caught off-guard
when the report's findings were disclosed
at a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee.

After the hearing,
administration officials scrambled to explain  (돌진하다)
what appeared to be a change
in the government's portrayal
of the North Korean threat.

A senior US official,
who spoke
on condition of anonymity,
that the administration had not changed
its evaluation
that Pyongyang was still not at a point
where it could deliver
a nuclear warhead
on a ballistic missile.

"The North Koreans have never demonstrated
this capability
and we don't believe
they are able to now,"
the official said.

The confusion
over the spy agency report
against the backdrop of mounting tensions
on the Korean peninsula,
with Pyongyang
issuing bellicose threats (호전적인)
and preparing to possibly launch medium-range missiles.

The Pentagon,
which has bolstered (지지하다)
missile defenses
around the Korean peninsula,
it was closely watching
North Korea amid speculation (추측 중에 있는)
the regime would fire
conventional missiles (전통적인)
in the run-up to national celebrations
on April 15th.

"The United States continues to closely monitor
the North Korean nuclear program
and calls upon
North Korea
to honor its international obligations,"
Little said. (AFP)




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