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[영어]_1기초반, [영어]_2초급반, [영어]_3중급반, [영어]_4고급반 멤버쉽 회원만 이용가능한 게시판 입니다. 결제버튼을 눌러 신청해주세요.      

[3중급] Degrassi  


Those are all possible symptoms of anorexia-nervosa.

I'll talk to her mom.

No, We'll talk to her mom.
Hate me all you want,
Emma's my girfriend.
You can't stop me from helping her.
Don't even try.


What is this?

Paige-likers club.
Alex is trying to get into the yearbook.

And the fighting begins when?

We've signed a peace treaty.

We also broght you a treat.

We even went dutch to pay for it.

So you know,
You guys made me really mad.
And I refuse to be the monkey in the middle.

That's fine.
As long as you're a talking monkey, ....
(stuck in conversation)

Let's, uh, start with how many calories
are in this beverage.
I always order no whip.

Told you so, Alex.
Paige doesn't eat sweets.

That's a lie.

Stup up!

You had three pieces of chocolate cheesecake
last weekend!

It was our two-month aniversary!
Ooops! my spoon slipped.

Ooops! so did mine!

No, you didn't


What's going on?

Come and sit down, honey.

Manny and peter came her
because they're worried about you.

And it's not just them.
Your teachers told me
you're having trouble at school.

They're lying.

No, they're not. Emma...
We want you to go talk to someone.
A therapist..
about why you're not eating.

I am eating.
There're nothing wrong!

You're hiding food.

You've got major psycho mood swings.

You're just not you.
We're worried.

You guys all so perfect.

You take advantage of drunk girls,
You are the drunk girl,
and last time I checked,
you were making out with his mother.

Emma, you need to calm down.

No, I need to get out of here.

You can't go, Emma, please.
We need to get you help.

You did this!
You told them!
This is all you fault, manny!

What're you doing?!
That's my stuff!

Kicking your sorry butt out, manny,
once and for all.

Please stop it.

Emma, please! please stop.

You're supposed to be my friend, manny!
I can't even trust you!

I am! That's why I'm trying to help you!

I can't breathe...my chest.
mmm. something is happening.

whoa, emma.

peter! peter! call 911! now!

Emma, just look at us, okay?


Doctor said you had a panic attack.

Ok, I'm so fine.
must've been a reaction to one of those protein bars.
That's the last time
I eat one of those nasty things.

Emma, you're not going anywhere.

But it was just a panic attack.

Brought on by starvation.

A psychiatrist is coming to talk to you.
and she might diagonose you....
as anorexic.

I wanna go home.

Honey, you can't.you can't.

Em, you have to stop.
you have to stop or you're gonna die.
You can't do that to me.

No one's gonna die, okay?


I'm gonna try to beat this, manny.
I'm gonna try to beat this.


Later, skater.

Thanks, spin.

Hey, there's Darcy.
Hey, you should've come in for coffee.

What's up?


Come on,
I thought you guys would never leave.
go, go, go!

Work. exams.
work. exams.
 I needs me some darcy.

I have something to show you.
Kim got me a job as a counselor.

Darcy does summer camp.
Sounds like my kind of movie.
Sucks I'm gonna have to stay here
in toronto and miss it.

With lots....and lots of other girls around.

Darcy, I don't wanna be with anyone else.
You're everything to me.

Sorry, stop, we can't
We took a vow to remain virgins till marriage.

Virgins, yeah. totally.


Whatever it takes
I know I can make it through.
If I hold out
I know I can make it through.
Be the best
Be the best I can
And I say to you
I know I can make it
I know I can make it.


You're chipper for someone
who was on the phone
with craig until 3 a.m.

It's you in the food line.

Beat the hospital
yay, thepaphy
Although, compared to the caf?
Hospital food gets a bad rap.

Oh, no. food and drinks.
We need refreshments for the variety show,
and I still don't have a tech crew.

Manny, you're the director and the lead actor.

This is your show, take charge.

I've been reading blogs by christian teens
on abstinence.
It's all about prevention.
So, we have to find ways to stay busy.

Okay, all you degrassi-ites!
The variety show needs volunteers.
So, c'mon everyone! show some support!

Take it off!
Ooh! ooh! ooh!

How perfect is this?
Man, when God answers prayers,
He is quick.
Sign us up, Manny!
Oh, My gosh, spinner, You are my hero.
And you, too, darcy.

So, grad weekend is almost here,
and our 50th anniversary variety show
is coming together very nicely.
And attention spans are zero.
So it must mean that it's time
for my post-secondary prepareness class.
First up... finances.

Um, my hoped for university, banting,
plethora of sholarships
but when it comes to me,
they haven't been so accepty, yet.

Well, acceptances are just trickling in .
and I'm sure when yours comes in, Paige,
you'll be prepared.

I'm prepared for a nervous breakdown
if it doesn't.

Maybe i'll get a tattoo.


Discussing the future here...my future
as in things that could affect the rest of my life.

Or I could learn how to play the bass.

These are your future plans?

Things that can happen next week?

It's called "Living in the now."
And we both know
the most important thing about the now is me.

LooK! The big envelope from banting.
and everyone knows the big envelope means you get in.
And I did! I got in.
We are so out of here!

You're late,
and our boss has been breathing down my neck.

Um, what part of "we are so out of here"
didn't you understand?

We. I didn't get into banting.

And don't forget, topping halfway,
and then againg on top.

Well, maybe you could come with?
we could get our own cozy little place.

Sounds cozy.
But what would I actually do....
in kingston

You could work.
Get a transfer from the movie theater.

you can keep that topping coming, miss.

You'll be studying your butt off
and making new friends.
and I'll still be dishing out popcorn?

Miss, do I need to show you
what I mean by more topping myself?

Can't wait for your heart attack.

Next time you insult a customer?
maybe not in front of your manager.

Alex, can I see you in my office?


Stop, stop.

Do I have cooties all of a sudden?
I just... I don't want it to go too far, okay?

I bet if manny were here,
she'd be all over you.
just like in the caf.

Aw, that was nothing.
That's just manny's way.
She's always like that.

I can only imagine
what she was like
when you two were going out.

You want a play-by-play?

Spare me.

(I can )barely stand the idea of you
being with her at all.

Truth is,
when I was with manny,
we did nothing together.

You're serious?

Yeah, I wasn't even into her that way.
her whole sexual past....
Aw, it just turned me off.

So you're really a virgin?

I'm so virginal...mary's jealous.



Candy and a chick flick?
Someone's got it bad.
Yeah, well,
It's no clown academy II
But if Darcy's happy,
I'm happy.
But you're not.

Mm, I'm great.
Everything's peachy.


You're looking at their newest acceptee.

Paige, that's awesome! get over here!
Banting is like the harvard of the north.
I am like so happy for you.
This is so cool.

Oh, candy's on me.
It's my treat.

The evil on made me clean the bathrooms.
then she fired me.




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