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[영어]_1기초반, [영어]_2초급반, [영어]_3중급반, [영어]_4고급반 멤버쉽 회원만 이용가능한 게시판 입니다. 결제버튼을 눌러 신청해주세요.      

[3중급] Conversation Dictionary 4  

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And you 1
look 2
kind of familiar 3
to me. 3

While you were out, 5
a Charlie Brown 1
called 2
for you. 3

That name 1
does't ring 2
a bell. 3

Wait 2
a second , 3
yeah, 2
it 1
sounds 2
familiar. 3

Are you 1
Jane, 2
by any chance? 4

By any chance, 4
are you 1
free 2
this afternoon? 4

Yes. 2

If by any chance, 4
you 1
wake up 2
early, 4
give 2
me 3
a call. 3

We 1
'll see 2
how it goes. 3

Aren't you 1
Professor Brown? 2

Yes, 2
I 1
am. 2
Do I 1
know 2
you? 3

Do I 1
know 2
you? 3

Well, you 1
may not remember 2
me, 3

but I 1
do remember 2
meeting you 3
at Susan Miller's wedding. 4

Don't I 1
know 2
you? 3
I 1
remember 2
seeing you 3
in New York. 4

Excuse 2
me, 3
but don't I 1
know 2
you 3
from somewhere? 4

Yes, 2
I 1
believe 2
we belong 3
to same fitness club. 4

Dick, this 1
is my friend Jane. 2

I 1
believe 2
we've met. 3

Nice 2
to see you 3
again, Jane. 4

Hello, 2
Haven't we 1
met 2
before? 4

Yes. 2
I 1
believe 2
we met 3
at Jane's party 4
several months ago. 4

Excuse 2
me, 3
haven't I 1
seen 2
you 3
somewhere before? 4

I 1
don't believe 2
so. 3

Have't you 1
met 2
each other 3
yet? 4

We 1
have been tailing 2
for about an hour, 4

but we 1
haven't met 2
yet, 4
Have we? 1

No, 2
my name 1
is Jane. 2

By the way, 4
how should I 1
address 2
him 3
when I introduce him? 4
Just call 2
him Mr. Kim. 3

I 1
have always wondered 2
how to address food servers 3
in restaurants. 4

Do you 1
call 2
them 3
sir or Miss or waiter? 3

Politely ask 2
for the server's name, 3
and use 2
it. 3

As soon as 4
my daughter 1
became 2
a teenager, 3

She 1
decided 2
to stop calling me mother. 3

She 1
insisted 2
on addressing me 4
by my first name 4
because I 1
was her friend, 2

I 1
don't believe 2
I've had the pleasure 3
of meeting you. 4

I 1
don't believe 2
I've had the pleasure. 3

I 1
'm Dick wilson. 2

How do you 1
do, Mr.wilson? 2

I 1
'm Mary Smith. 2

Nice 2
to meet you, Mr.Brown. 3

I 1
've heard 2
a lot 3
about you, sir. 4

Only good things, 1
I 1
hope. 2

I 1
wanted 2
to meet you 3
ever since I heard 4
about you. 4

How did you 1
hear 2
about me? 4

By word 4
of mouth. 4




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(어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6)

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4.말하기: [끊어말하기-바꿔말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 바꿔서 말하기

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