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[3중급] Teen Kid News  

And we'll see you
next time
on (Aqua) Kids.
See you guys.
Coming up
on this week's edition
of teen kids news
Yet another reason
not to smoke marijuana.
What's this guys doing
in high school?
l'll tell you.
Coming up.
Remebering those
who fought
in the biggest war
in history.
The news you need to now,
next on teen kids news
l'm Mwanzaa.
and l'm Jessica.
weed .
some movies and comedians make
it seem like no big deal.
But a new study connects
marijuana to depression.
As felipe reports,
experts say the problem
can start
in our teens.
First, the good news.
According to the goverment,
fewer teenagers are smoking marijuana.
still, teens use marijuana
more than all other illegal drugs combined.

(We) have known people
who tried marijuana.
l say (yes).
(The goverment) report found teens
who smoke marijuana
just once a month are (five) times
more likely to have suicidal thoughts.
Well, Marijuana is a depressant,
so it's not surprising
that it might lead
to (teens) having lower emotions
and lower levels of energy
which depression is all about.
lt does have an impact
upon (our) day
to day functioning.
Marijuana stays active
in the nervous system
for (five) days after smoking.
So partying
on (thursday) night
can affect kids
in school on Monday.
Studies continue
into whether (drugs)
causes depression or whether (teens)
who are more
at risk of mental illness
are drawn to the drug.
(Teens) don't have
as much capacity
for solving problems.
(We) don't have
as much experience
for being able
to manage problems,
so they are more likely
to look
for escapes
than adults as a group.
And there's one more bit of caution.

This is not your parent's pot.
Experts say teens are parents
need to take the drug
more seriously.
Marijuana today is twice
as strong as
it was
in the 1980s.
The active ingredient,
is in higher concentrations.

like reckless driving
and sexual promiscuity.

The risk
for mental illness
later in life.


goes up
as much as 40%
if you use marijuana
as a teen.
Experts say more teens
who try marijuana
are becoming dependent
on the drug.
That's a big risk
to take.
For more information
on the white house repart,
check out our website teenkidsnews.com
Thanks, Felipe.
Some guys spend
more money
than they should.
While you may call
such behavior "Irresponsible,"
some scientists now believe
it's part
of the male survior instinct.

(That) all goes back
to the cavemen.
The more possessions
they had,
like hunks of mastodon meat,
the easier
it was to find a mate.
so guys today
who buy things
like expensive (PCs).

and (TVs)
might simply
be responding
to the call
of prehistoric nature.
of course,
These days a guy
who knows
how to save (food)
make a better mate.
Just aheadm
an increasing trend
for (middle) school students.
Getting a jump start
on college.
We'll tell you how,
when "teen (guys) news" returns.
Except they're still
in (middle) school.
This is a specoalksd (middle) school.
schools like this one
allow students
to (do study)
on academic subjects
that read towards
specific careers.
what's another name
for that biscapid value?


Specialized schools
like this one,
are becoming
more and more popular
all across the country.
For more information,
to your guidance counselor.
For "Teen Kids News,"
l'm Kristen.
She can go
a half mile
in a big hurry,
and that's putting her
on track
for a great future.

Carina has the story.
Charlene Lipsey is a runner
with a mission.
l want a better life
for myself and my family.
But that's not
what she's thing about
when she's out
on the track.
When l'm running,
l just think of techniques,
like stay calm,
just breathe,
and just try
not to use
all your energy
until the end.
The ability
to focus
on her goals
and lot of hard work
have made charlene
a winner.
She's a national leader
in the 800 meter race.



That's about a mile,
and she runs
in under one minutes
and ten seconds.
She's also a big winner
in races of other lengths.
indoor and outside.
New York girls' track athlete
of the years
She's like a super woman.
She doesn't run one events,
She can run two,
the four,
the eight,
occasionally the 1,500s.
Charlene is also a leader
for her team
at NY high school.
Charlene's the captain.
We all stretch together.
He leads us,
He's always doing the right thing,
never lacking behind
and always being a good example.
When we were
in school,
There would
be a lot of announcements
about charlene
it really was an inspiration.
So every time
she competes,
Charlene knows her teammates,
her coach and her family
expect the best.
l know that
a lot of people have expectations
of me.

But l also have expectations
of myself,
so that makes it
a little bit harder
for me.
l am under a lot of pressure!
That means stretching
to find enough time
to do her work
on the track
and her schoolwork.
Because hempstead high
has a tradition
of sending athletes
on to college.
So that Charlene has done
is dedicate herself
in the classroom
to do well
with her grades,
and that's one of the reasons
why we think
She's gonna go on
to success both academically
and athletically
at the next level.
By combining academics
with athletics,
Charlene has earned
a full scholarship
to college.
And that's easier
for my mother.
because l don't think
we would be able
to pay
for college.
A lot of financial aid
l know
l want to graduate
with my masters
for whatever l do.

And as far as track
l just want
to be all American
in track
in college,
as well.
Not only does
she plan to compete in college,

Charlene has her sights
on the Olympics.
So remember that name,
Charlene Lipsey

You might be hearing it again!

l'm Carina,
and That's sports
for this week
What's not to love
about people?
Well, easy!
But they do one thing
that's kind of pretty.
According to new research,
They harmonize
to attract mates.
So when you hear
more than one buzzing bug,
the second one
might be singing along.
And while they're making
beautiful music together,
you can grab your fly swatter.
Wars are so awful,
when they're finally over,
most people just want to
forget about them.
But we have a debt
to those who served

Lauren continues
her special series
on the memorials
and monuments
in Washington D.C.
World war 2 began
in 1939,
when Germany invaded
But the United States didn't get involved
until two year later,
lt took four long years.
before the allies finally won.
The national world war memorialis a tribute
to the heroism
of the time.
that contributedtowards the war
Then there's the freedom wall
of 4,000 stars.

The memorial didn't open
until 2004 ~ almost 60 years
after the war ended.
why wasn't there
a ww2 memorial earlier?
l don't need
any commemoration
in essence
for just doing
my job.
lt's also useful
for cooling off
overhead tourists.
Around the pool
are 56 pillars.
They represent
each of the U.S. states
and territories




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