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[3중급] Nova science NOW  

in the process,4
it releases the oxygen 12
that we need to survive 6
Klaus's tree also pulls co2 out of the air 123
not for its own survival,12
but to help us to live 23
it sound's incradible 12
well, 2
so is the way 12
he came up with this idea 6
it all started with the advice 123
when his 11 year old daugher,12
Claire 1
came to him for advice 23
when i started to think about this 123
i was searching for the ways 123
doing experiments 23
and right at time 2
Claire came to me 123
in the study 4
at home 4
and said she is looking for an experiment 6
to do 3
for her science fair 3
i was in middle school 123
and i had to do 123
a science fair 3

but how (can they) just pull co2
(from) the air
(Clara) had an (perfect) idea
l (came) to the (normal) pet shop
and (l) bought a fish (food)
(here) you go
Have a (nice) day
you, too
l (put the sodium hidroxide)
(in the aest tude)
l (sticked) the fish pump
(at the tude)
turned (that) on
and (run) air
through (that)
all (day)
when Claire (is doing other thing)
her experiment was (keep working)
the fish pump was forcing air
containing a small (bubbles) of co2
into the (tube)

pull cardon dioxide 23
out of the air?4
a tall order for a little girl 23
as the daughter of a renowned scientist6
Claire already knew about global warming 123
she understood 12
that when sunlight enters the atmosphere 6
and strike the Earth's surface 23
some of it is reflected bact 12
towards space 4
in the form of heat 4
greenhouse gases like co2 123
cardon dioxide 1
work 2
like a chemical blanket 4
to trap heat 3
and keep the planet 23
nice and warm 2
but the increased burning of fossil fuels 12
was generating 2
so much 4
carbon dioxide 1
that our planet's temperature appeared 12
to be rising 3
at an alarming rate 4

A delicate balancing act begins
for every cioce the team makes there is a price
to pay an energy penalty
can they somehow reduce the amount of energy
they use?
we needed to come up with a shape where
you don't have to have an aquarium fish
pump driving all the air thought the system
but to have the wind just deliver the air
and pass it through the collector
it all comes down to geometry
what is the size and shape of the perfect
synthetic leaf
one that can remove the most co2 from the air?
to from out they construct a wind tunnel
to study how air moves around and through
a variety of surfaces
the easier it is to get air through the more
co2 we can collect
we tried an array of strings
we tried an screens
we tried vertical plates of solid material
that was smooth
we tried vertical plates that had a knobby
with each attempt they measure the air
pressure in the wind tunnel


but how (can they) just pull co2 12
(from) the air4
(Clara) had an (perfect) idea123
l (came) to the (normal) pet shop 123
and (l) bought a fish (food)6
(okay) 2
(here) you go 2
Have a (nice) day 23
you, too12
l (put the sodium hidroxide)123
(in the aest tude) 4
l (sticked) the fish pump123
(at the tude)4
turned (that) on23
and (run) air23
through (that)4
all (day)4
when Claire (is doing other thing)123
her experiment was (keep working)123
the fish pump was forcing air12
containing a small (bubbles) of co2 23
into the (tube) 4




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