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[2초급] 초등단어 5

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Word 5.

pray. 기도하다.
Let us pray.

pillar, post. 기둥.
They set up a pillar.

wild goose. 기러기.
Wild geese are flying.

record. 기록.
He holds the world’s record.

oil. 기름.
My mother fried chicken in oil.

giraffe. 기린.
Giraffes have long necks.

glad. 기쁘다.
I’m glad to see you.

skill. 기술.
He has great skill in basketball.

climb. 기어오르다.
I like to climb mountains.

memory. 기억력.
Betty has a good memory.

remember. 기억하다.
I don’t remember.

diaper. 기저귀.
Baby needs a diaper change.

train. 기차.
We missed the train.

base. 기초.
The base of building.

cough. 기침.
She has a bad cough.

guitar. 기타.
Can you play the guitar?

sign. 기호.
The plus sign. The minus sign.

chance. 기회.
Give me a chance.

way, road, street. 길.
Please show me the way to the station.

long. 길다.
She has a long legs.

flag. 깃발.
Betty is waving a flag.

feathers. 깃털.
It is as light as a feather.

deep. 깊다.
Don’t swim here, it’s deep.

crow. 까마귀.
Crows are black.

to, until, till. 까지.
Wait here until I come back.

cut. 깎다.
Ji-Hun needs to have his hair cut.

can. 깡통.
Bo-ram drank a can of juice.

clean. 깨끗이.
Keep yourself clean.

break. 깨뜨리다.
Who broke this cup?

wake up. 깨우다.
Wake me up at six, please.

pick. 꺾다.
Please don’t pick flowers.

chewing gum. 껌.
Bubble gum.

tail. 꼬리.
A monkey has a long tail.

pinch. 꼬집다.
Ouch, don’t pinch me.

top. 꼭대기.
We went up to the top of the hill.

flower. 꽃.
Which flower would you like best?

vase. 꽃병.
Betty put some flowers in the vase.

tight. 꽉.
These pants are too tight.

scold. 꾸짖다.
The teacher scolded him for being late.

honey. 꿀.
He likes honey.

dream. 꿈.
Tony had a bad dream last night.

put out, turn off. 끄다.
Please turn off the light.

boil. 끓다.
The pot is boiling over.

be over, end. 끝나다.
The class is over at two.

finish. 끝내다.
Did you finish your homework?




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2.듣기: [끊어듣기-듣고말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 끊어서 따라 말하기

(어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6)

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4.말하기: [끊어말하기-바꿔말하기] 내용을 듣고 의미어구 단위로 바꿔서 말하기

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