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Word 10.
arrive, 도착하다.
He will arrive
in Pusan
tomorrow morning.
Acorn. 도토리.
This is an acorn.
Drawing paper. 도화지.
Bo-ram is drawing
a picture
on the drawing paper.
I like
Eagle. 독수리.
An eagle is the king of birds.Germany. 독일.He livesin Germany.Money. 돈.I haveno money.Stone. 돌.Don’t throwstones.Dolphin. 돌고래.Dolphins are very smart.Turn. 돌다.Turn left.Give back. 돌려주다.Hey, give it back.Return, come back. 돌아오다.When will your big sister return?Help. 돕다.Can I help you?East. 동쪽.The ship is sailing to the east.Cave. 동굴.We found a cave.Circle. 동그라미.Mark a circle on the correct word.Animal. 동물.What animal would you like?Zoo. 동물원.On Mondays, the zoo is closed.Younger brother. 남동생.Younger sister. 여동생.He is the youngest brother.For, during. 동안.Please be quiet during the show.Children’s song. 동요.Twinkle, twinkle little star.Agree. 동의하다.I agree with you.Coin. 동전.This is a ten-won coin.Fairy tale. 동화.Snow White.Sail. 돛.Put the sails up.Pig. 돼지.The pig is very fat.Be, become. 되다.I want to be a nurse.Thick. 두껍다.This dictionary is very thick.Knock. 두드리다.He knocked on the door.Be afraid of. 두려워하다.I am afraid of the dark.Second. 두번째.Betty is the second in the line.Bank. 둑.We walked along the bank.Two. 둘.Two were absent today.Round. 둥글다.The ball is round.
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{어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6}