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[2초급] 초등단어 8

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초등단어 8

eye. 눈.
Bo-ram has
big eyes.

Snow. 눈.
It snows
in winter.

Tear. 눈물.
Wipe your tears.

Lie down. 눕다.
If you’re tired, lie down.

Feel. 느끼다.
I feel no pain.

Slow. 느리다.
This clock is five minutes slow.

Wolf. 늑대.
I have never seen a wolf.

Always. 늘.
You’re always late.

Old. 늙다.
My grandmother is old.

Late. 늦은.
Sorry, I’m late.

Squirrel. 다람쥐.
A squirrel is eating an acorn.

Different. 다르다.
They are different in size.

Bridge. 다리.
We crossed a bridge.

Leg. 다리.
My legs hurt.

Iron. 다리미.
My mother is smoothing out wrinkles with an iron.

Five. 다섯.
I get up at five every morning.

Dozen. 다스.
I bought a dozen pencils.

Again. 다시.
Say that again.

Next. 다음.
Who’s next?

Dive. 다이빙하다.
He dived into the sea.

Diamond. 다이아몬드.
She lost her diamond ring.

Hurt. 다치다.
Are you hurt?

Brush, polish. 닦다.
Brush your teeth three times a day.

Only. 단지.
I love only you.

Button. 단추.
Button up your dress.

Maple. 단풍나무.
The maples are at their best.

Close, shut. 닫다.
Close the door.

Month. 달.
There are twelve months in a year.

Moon. 달.
The moon is beautiful tonight.

Egg. 달걀.
This hen lays many eggs.

Sweet. 달다.
This candy is sweet.

Dollar. 달러.
I bought the book for two dollars.

Calendar. 달력.
Tony can find his birthday on the calendar.

Run. 달리다.
He can run faster than I.

Snail. 달팽이.
Here is a snail.




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(어구번호: 주어구1, 술보어구2, 목적어구3, 부사구4, 분사구5, 관계사구6)

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