The process 1
could be especially useful 2
for heart attack victims 4
when a clot 6
in an artery 4
starves the heart of oxygen, 2 (6-2)
and the beating cells 1
which force the heart to pump. 6
simply die. 5
The idea 1
is that doctors would then inject or spray 6
the new cell 3 (6-3)
to replace the dead ones, 2
thus rejuvenating 5
the heart. 3
maybe I 1
'm the only one 2
who's scared of going 6
under the knife, 4
but I 1
certainly would like 2
if i were to have a cardiac problem 5
to be able to address, 3
that just by inserting 6
a charged needle 3
into my heart, 4
for example, 4
and then possibly shooting 5
a repair cell type. 3
But it, 1
's not as simple as it sounds. 2
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