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[영어]_1기초반, [영어]_2초급반, [영어]_3중급반, [영어]_4고급반 멤버쉽 회원만 이용가능한 게시판 입니다. 결제버튼을 눌러 신청해주세요.      

[3끊어쓰기] TOEFL Reading : The Use of the Camera Obscura 2  

2th passage


Did some of the great masters of painting, 



their images 

_________using a camera obscura?


Some art historians

_________are now looking 

for clues of artists' use 

of such devices.


One of the artists 

whose paintings __________are being analyzed 

from this point of view

__________is the great Dutch master, 

Jan Vermeer,

who ___________lived from 1632 to 1675 

during the flowering of art and science 

in the Netherlands, 

_________including the science of optics.

Vermeer __________produced 

only about 30 known paintings,

__________including his famous The Art of Painting.


The room 

________shown in it 

closely ___________resembles 

the room 

in other Vermeer paintings,

with _________lighting coming 

from a window on the left,

the same roof beams, 

and similar floor tiles,


that the room __________was fitted 

with a camera obscura 

on the side in the foreground. 


The map

________hung on the opposite wall 

__________was a real map 

in Vermeer's possession, 


in such faithful detail 

that some kind of tracery _________is suspected.


When one of Vermeer's paintings

___________was X-rayed, 

it ___________did not have

any preliminary sketches

on the canvas 

beneath the paint,

but rather 

the complete image 


in black and white 

without any rial sketchs.



_________did not have 

any students, 

_________did not keep 

any records,

and _________did not encourage


to _________visit his studio,


that ____________can be interpreted 

as _________protecting his secret use 

of camera obscura. 




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센터원장 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 2018-01-18 (목) 10:07 6년전
분사구에서도 ___________을 넣어주세요.

__________using a camera obscura?

이렇게 해주세요.
바나바 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 2018-01-18 (목) 13:24 6년전
네네 ^^
바나바 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 2018-01-18 (목) 13:25 6년전
목사님 댓글이 1개 이상 달린 글은 수정이 불가하다고 하네요? 다음 게시글을 올릴때 적용해서 올리겠습니다.
센터원장 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 2018-01-18 (목) 13:34 6년전
설정을 바꿨으니 다시 해보세요~
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