No llamas were hired in this field. 124
Remember when I made Kuzco a frog? 26123
What did he become? 621
I know, Kuzco cottontail. 12 11
But he was really awful for my fault. 124
You have to get belief on them.
It was on happening.
I hope it were.
But they don't want to see what happened.
we don't have to.
We understand what you have done.
You killed Kronk.
But it wasn't their fault.
Well, but who said,
"either Kronk goes or she goes?"
But he didn't want to mean it that way.
Then Kronk just falled into a barrel.
Yeah, it's just an accident.
So, what's going to happen next?
no, this isn't next happening.
This scene had happen,
but later, Ok?
Later, late late later.
Look at him, pathetic, huh?
Sniffle, sniffle, tear.
Ok, I've beaten him up
enough already,
Besides, people are witnesses.
you know he didn't push Kronk in that tank.
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