Regular dental cleanings 1
combined 5
with brushing 4
and flossing 4
will help 2
keep tooth decay 3
by removing plague 4
from oral surfaces. 4
Plague 1
contributes 2
to gingivitis, 3 => 4
a kind of gum inflammation 3 => 4
that can lead 2 => 6
to periodontal disease. 3 =>4
Research 1
has connected 2
oral conditions 3
such as periodontal disease 4
to an increased risk 4
for heart problems, 4
so keeping your smile healthy 5 => 1
may also help 2
keep your heart healthy. 3
In addition 4
to poor oral hygiene, 4
other factors 1
that may increase 6
a person's risk 3
of gum diseases 3
include 2
smoking; 3
having certain medical conditions, 3
such as diabetes; 4
using certain medications; 3
and neglecting regular dental care. 3
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