at Lilly's? Ok. And I'll get'em back to you as soon as I can. But right now, I um I need to be alone with my clothes. Are you Ok? Of course, I'm fine. I'm a girl, we do that. Shoo. out. What about your brother? Let sleeping brothers lie. This is all your fault. If I go down, you're going down with me, Bub. Hey, nobody's going anywhere. Except for 400 grand street, the home of Katherine McCord. Otherwise known as the girl who bought your earings. Do you really think she'd give 'em back? Not to you But maybe to HM Are you sure this is the right address? I mean, It looks like It's been a while since anybody here's pumped up the party. It's the right address. maybe you just have a bunch of older fans. you never em know about. here, let me try something hey It's HM Ok, maybe not.
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